Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

It would be really nice to have talents rows for each expansion instead of borrowed power.

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Completely agree.

Covenants should only affect aesthetics/cosmetics (xmogs, pets mounts etc).
But NOT combat abilities.

Then I really donā€™t mind being locked in to one.
If I wanted all mogs, then Iā€™d just roll another covenant on my alt, since it wonā€™t affect combat in pve/pvp.


You guys really should drop that trendy term. There have been changes to abilities and talents for many expansions now.

But never as much since Legion, before we atleast had classes and before wod they were not pruned as Wod and BFA both did.

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Thatā€™s what happens when Blizzard listens to people steady complain on the forum. For years people cried about overly complex classes and specs, now look what we have. Weā€™d be in better shape if Blizzard stopped listening to players.

There are many good ideas on the forum, blaming the forums doesnā€™t serve anyone. What are you here for there if you donā€™t think the forums have a use? Just to discourage people? Youā€™re funny. Itā€™s up to Blizzard to make a good game, we are not the developpers we can only give feedback.


I agree with all of this. This is not a meaningful choice by any means, and punishing players by forcing them to create four of whatever they want to play if they want to be helpful is literally awful.


Good post you are a valued member of the community. +1


People look back all the time. The old talent trees are still better than what we currently have


Are they though? The old trees were filled with almost useless filler garbage talents (+1% damage with X) to get to the juicy stuff.

Personally I liked the Cata talent tree. Just not being locked to one until you filled it.

Just a friendly little reminder that you can have multiple characters in different covenants! :slight_smile: Please donā€™t feel trapped. Iā€™m putting this cutie in the Night Fae and my other cuties in the other covenants just so I can experience them all.

I donā€™t think that the covenant abilities are going to make or break the game for us tbh. Looking at these abilities, you could probably get the same power change from ā€œworstā€ to ā€œbestā€ covenant ability by getting a piece with a socket.

The problem is not the exclusiveness but the power being attached to it, you canā€™t have both if you want the game to feel modern and players to feel good with because they wonā€™t feel pigeonholed. Moreover we already know you will be able to switch, the question is more how bad it will be.


Why do I have this awful feeling, if Blizzard was to put them into a talent row, They would make it a special row that could only be changed once a day, in either Orgrimmar, or Stormwind. Plus you would have to have a special currency in order to change it.


Being able to change once a day would already be a good compromise atleast for me. Atleast you could decide which day you raid, which day you do pvp and which day you do m+ and feel optimal while doing all of those. Anything higher than that then I have a problem with it.


Where is the meaningful choice? It is literally a question of ā€œWhich fun do you not want?ā€ for anyone who enjoys doing the highest levels of content.


Now look what we have? An expansion where ā€œunpruningā€ is a buzz word and a dev gets called ā€œthe prunerā€. Taking out or adding things is blizzards decision. The forums just throw ideas out there for them to consider. Well mostly we complain about Raider IO etc but sometimes we throw ideas around.

unironically thinking blizzard listens to their players

yea i guess they are listening to their players when account wide essences arrived 8 months too late huh?

classic yesuna


No idea what on earth youā€™re on about honestly.

In Vanilla there was a ā€œbis talents for pveā€ and a ā€œbis talents for pvpā€. Gamers will always pick the most optimal for the content they want to do. Just because 1% of the playerbase didnā€™t care and picked stun % on a firemage for PvE doesnā€™t mean it was a good system.

God you actually managed to make me grit my teeth in real life, this would be the most Blizzard 101 play of all time.

Listen nobody wanted account wide essences okay this is a RPG ROLE PLAYING GAME. Iā€™d rather we not dumb down the game for those LAZY to do content. Nobody wanted them except for all the people who wanted them and now celebrate having access to their best corruptions.


When it comes down to it, Iā€™m going to have four shamans ready to go for Shadowlands so I wonā€™t lose out regardless. Please saying that I just want the easy way make me laugh.

Iā€™m not going to be one of the people fleeing the game if such a player unfriendly system gets through. Itā€™s going to be everyone else who gets punished, and weā€™re going to all need to play with the ramifications of huge player exodus.


Some people like myself have been doomsday prepping for a while, as you can see. Worst case scenario with Blizzard.