Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

The sad thing is we’ll most likely eventually get what we want, right at the end of the expansion. Why must Blizzard always do this to us…


Yea Idk. Same happened with no azerite vendor for 8.0 then essences not being account bound then a patch later they change their mind, then again with corruptions not having a vendor for 4 months or so. Idk why they can’t just do it in the first place this time.


There is plenty of time for them to adjust the system. Fight for change!

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Yea I’m pretty sure that is why they haven’t allowed covenant abilities in dungeons yet because it would be so obvious.

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I will not let this thread slip away, It’s too important.

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Blizzard don’t force me to keep my second shaman geared up because of a poor system please.

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Blizzard don’t force me to keep my third shaman geared up because of a poor system please.

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Never give up

Covenant abilities into a talent row soon!


Hopefully we get some news about covenant abilities being a new talent row in the announcement from Ion.


I hope that you get good news, and that they make covenant abilities into a new talent row. I personally would much rather see something like, new, and unique weapon appearances, created for the different classes, for each of the Covenants. Ones that can only be used while in that covenant. To me it would give meaningful choice, without it effecting game-play mechanics.

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It won’t matter if it slips away or not. You having to maintain a2nd and 3rd shaman only helps blizzard pad their metrics.

I already have three shamans, I’d prefer not to play 3 shamans to remain relevant though.

Please blizzard let me retire this shaman.

where’s my talent row angryface

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but playing on each of them to maintain them is different that just having the other 2 in storage.

If the game wasn’t designed around mindbogglingly hard encounters at the highest gear level I don’t think people would care as much. Preach already brought up the fundamental problem with move speed across all classes and how encounter designs factor out self healing and instead take into account defensives. I think it is apparent where this is all going. Homogenization across all classes. No class actually caries a special roll anymore besides tank, healing, damage. Everything will just become the same to prevent stacking.

I’m looking forward to letting my second and third shaman be retired because covenants will be a talent row.


Same dude

It’s gonna be sick

And there’s nothing these boomers can do to stop it!


But, this locks that paladin out of a specific type of content that he clearly enjoys doing. This person clearly wants to see how far he can push in the game, and achieve something in it. Half of his fun is being reduced, no matter what he does, with the current version of this system.

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And the other half is keeping the RPG in this game. This isn’t Fortnite, this is an mmoRPG. In most RPG’s the player must make important, and critical choices, for their character.