Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

That’s true, imagine if they had access to the DR ability they would have been able to be saved… Oh well they picked the wrong covenant you better deal with it.


If I do play SL and I pick a covenant with m+ in mind then someone in my raid will 100% die because of my choice. That could easily be the cause of a wipe.

If you look at WoW only in the context of what it is and not what it could be, then maybe.

I’m not against talent rows, or new talent rows or anything like that. I enjoy talents. Making covenant abilities into talents would be the easy thing. But I think taking the easy way out in this case would be missing an opportunity to have something new and interesting. I feel like what they’re trying to make covenants into has the potential to be something that creates a more memorable experience than what we get from simply having more of something we already have.

I get that pontificating about the importance of the game world feeling immersive and the abilities being tied to this story is my personal opinion and it would be lost on a lot of people as dumb RP nonsense and therefor pointless to go on about. But it is also an opinion that many people share.

At the same time, the min maxing obsession of others comes across to many as a boring spreadsheet manager sim (where most people dont even make their own spreadsheets). But min-max people are also a populous group.

And honestly, I have a foot in both camps. Which is why the annoying part of these threads is how often they deteriorate into proclamations that the dissenting group does not exist. I’m not really pompous enough (i think) to proclaim my opinion as definitive, and there are some interesting points raised in this thread. I just don’t, on balance, agree that the idea presented is the best idea for the game. :woman_shrugging:

Azerite that was a new and interesting system that was heavily criticised before it came out and was hot garbage when it came out (No vendor on release, remember?)
Corruption was a new and interesting system that came out and has been an absolute nightmare.
Islands was a new and interesting system that became one of the worst additions to the game ever.
Warfronts was a new and interesting that was laughably easily and ignored by everyone after a week of having a new character levels.

new and interesting doesn’t mean good, not even close.

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It absolutely needs to be a new talent row.

I will choose the Covenant based on most damage. The majority of serious raiders and M+ people will.

I’m going to lose out on the transmog, mounts, and cool lore stuff all because I’m being forced into choosing either being the best I can be at my class or looking cool.

That shouldn’t be a choice.

What a stupid response. Your literally saying go eat crap even though it’s possible to change it. Who hurt you in life that you get a kink out of this, cause that’s all you have to stand on. You sure as hell didn’t really fight my argument, your just a pessimist thats great fun to be around.

Your assessments aren’t all accurate, but getting directly to the point: it also doesn’t mean bad. Not everyone shares your pessimism, that is clear. Just because other new systems have been bad does not mean all new systems will be bad. That is just silly sensationalism.

When was the last time a new and interesting system actually lasted to a new expansion. When was the last time we got something we could say we could keep through an expansion, when was the last time people did not complain that the could use something in the next expansion (or even tier). It’s time for a new talent row

I can’t wait for Classic WoW. I want to experience the meaningful journey. Not to level fast and skip to end game.

We’re going to see a meaningful experience of a long and fun gr- Oh Ragnaros is dead.

Never, anywhwere, anytime. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is more a question of overall design moving to a replaceable, season specific style. Which is to say, I don’t think they intend many things to carry from expansion to expansion so its not really a criticism to point out that they are working as intended. As for why they design things that way, you’d have to ask them (i could speculate but what is the point?)

Could be. Its been a while. They could make one and have it not involve covenants in any way.

Hmm, I wonder if all these new and interesting abilities that they have been adding that could not be connected to covenants in any way could fit in that talent row :thinking: . Or is that too much to think about.

It certainly isn’t too much to think about. Like I’ve said, I enjoy talents. I wouldn’t mind if they added a row of talents every expansion, honestly. But I also think Covenant abilities have the potential to be something much more interesting and memorable (and fun!) if they aren’t just a new talent row. But here we are going around in circles.

Failing to see how you would have less fun with access to four abilities instead of one…


Because you’re only looking at it from a very specific perspective. I think the idea different players of the same class having a different tool to use is pretty cool. Rather than, “oh, its situation X so any rogue will be using these specific talents(because that is what the guides all say)” its “oh, its situation X but maybe a rogue will attack this problem differently because they have covenant ability A”

Talents are fine and all, I like them. But to me the covenant system can present a new experience that isn’t just about a new talent row.

The new covenant system will give everyone a new experience of being be able to start their content already behind. You’re right we are going in circles.

You’re discussing the best possible outcome of this scenario which Blizzard has proven time and time again that they are completely unable to produce. There is no chance in the universe they will work like a fun harmonious ability where they are all within 1% of each other.


I get that (at least I think I do) I just don’t think attaching it to long term power gains is the way to go.

I would be 100% on board with picking a covenant and having heaps of story and quests associated with it that other covenants don’t get to see. Or tansmogs that you earn over time being loyal to one covenant.

What I don’t like is that paladin for example will be expected by mythic raiders to be night fae inorder to boost the party’s dps during lust. That is the best power by so much and it is not comparable to any of the others. Imagine having 1 paladin buffing the combust of 4 fire mages. That would be so much more valuable that divine toll which Imo would be the most fun one to use and I would want to use it in keys for damage too.

If they were swappable then I could use the seasons one when I need to for progression boss burn phases and have fun with other ones on other fights or keys or pvp etc.


Blizzard are adding a bunch of quality life changes in this last patch of live, why can’t we get the ultimate shadowlands QoL change?

Come on Blizzard :frowning:

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You have to eat your vegetables before you can go have fun with your friends!

Looking forward to the news that Ion was going to tell us all 3 weeks ago.

Any bumpers in the chat?

Repeat after me boys

never give up

never stop fighting

we will get our abilities swappable

down with the current system

up with the greatness of the incoming fixed system (hopefully before x.2 patch this time)