Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

So inflate time played and character count metrics. Even if you’re paying for your sub with gold- blizzard wins all around.

What I meant is that Its bad faith to imply that the only people that disagree with the premise of the thread are encapsulated by one person who is obviously trolling.

Hey even someone on your side breaks down your own arguments :laughing:


They are one of the only people I have seen on here defending it and they make some good points. That is the only benefit of not separating the powers from the covenants.

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I agree with Aveldruid, if you have some stronger points that weren’t already dismantled by Crimsonrayne(and countless others in this thread), please feel free to jump in at any time otherwise you’re default falling into the salty/angry spiteful mob.

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a talent row serves NO PURPOSE, if there is no choice, and since the meta establishes how you always have to pick the better choice, then THERE IS NO CHOICE…
because of this, talent rows are meaningless

Being locked in covenant gives you 1 ability, which means no choice in the matter.

Having access to a new talent row will (if they can) make 4 choices for all content.

What am i missing? You okay?

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you completely missed the point… giving four choices when you´re already going to pick up what it is the best anyway?
the purpose of covenants are to fullfill a choice aspect to the lacking of rpg in this game, to be fair i may not be a world first runner yet i dont need to be a min/max to complete the most difficult content in the game

You’re 4/12M just so we’re clear. You are far from doing any of the more difficult content in the game.

Lame response, this is a lame duck answer.

I love how everyone takes the opportunity to explain on Blizzards behalf of what covenants are supposed to full fill

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3 talents having purpose in different situations


being stuck with 1 spell being good in x content, bad in y and z content

which option gives more choice?

i’m interested to see how you can conclude that 1 is bigger than 3 here…

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foolishness… once i complete all the bosses do you pretend to change your perspective? no you dont.

You sure you’re going to make it in time? Most mythic pugs clear at least 5/12M.

Your highest key is a +13 KR
OVER TIME BY 01:11:54

Maybe you should rethink your plan of attack here.

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you are missing the point bro

you are restricted to one spell, and we want this changed because 1 spell can’t be good everywhere when this 1 spell is put in a position to be compared with 3 other spells

a talent row instantly fixes the problem, while harming or negatively impacting no one, and eliminates all frustration with the system.

you still didnt answered my question, yet i dont have any obligation to have a kill in nzoth mythic… my own server didnt maked this far, so why should i?
and also? a key? for what? wasting my time in not corrupted itens when most of my gear is already bis for me?

Look that’s fine, I’ve taken great care to not step on the toes of people who do non cutting edge content because they are the foundations of raiding. Without them we lose mythic raiding.

Just don’t be out here spouting nonsense like:

Because you’re so far from doing “the most difficult” content in the game.


no…thats stupid, im gonna have to complete the hardest content in the game in order to enter into a position where my opinion will remain the same just to make you shout:
“oh look this guy completed the hardest content in the game without being a min/maxer, we totally should not care about fixing any balance issues within the covenant system because we can do everything for whatever choice we make”
is that what you´re gonna say? easy for me to believe the world is gonna end tomorrow than that

If you’re happy with your 9 percentile on Mythic Shad’har that’s great, unfortunately in front of you is a sea of Death Knights who do min/max and want to do their best.

You attitude of “why bother” would get you benched in any competent guild.

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a sea of death knights who are not in a group that keep getting at least 3 idiots to die in the very first phase of the fight.
raiding is about not only how powerfull is the individual but also the team against the mechanics, i already losted the count of how many times i just need to waste my time repeating the same correct mechanics for most dmg while doing simple mechanics over and over until the leader says WIPE.
the suppose hardest content in the game is a joke, i can pretty much predict the very future of how i would feel like after beating the last boss, it would be like “oh i managed to be patient until my team managed to learn how to kill all the bosses after hundreds of wipes and weeks and more weeks of raid nights”

im inside the best guild of my server yet im playing in the core raid team of the second best guild of another server who didnt killed nzoth M because i like to play with them.
im not inside some average whatever guild

Hey why you getting upset about some guys who share the same mantra about learning mechancis about you do towards min/maxing?

What if it’s healers who didn’t bother min/maxing their heals so you’re dying to lack of heals? fancy that…

fancy that…


And yet if you and they had a bit of utility (such as a venthir teleport) then the raid might not wipe there because they can avoid a mechanic all together.

When pushing bosses when you have less gear this matters. I’m not having a go at you for not pushing content earlier or anything but these things do matter for people that do.

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