Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

It takes away our enjoyment of seeing the try-hards be punished. There really isn’t anything else to it.

The “player agency”, “meaningful choice”, etc. arguments all fall short of decent logic. All of that can either be achieved better or just the same under a flexible system.

But specifically forces players to play how we want, and against how they want has value to us. We’re harmed when that value is taken away with the system being changed to something flexible.

Apparently not enough of you. Blizzard hasn’t voiced any intent on changing the system.

Guess they don’t find your opinions worthwhile? I dunno.

Are you aware of how damaging your stance is to people who also don’t want it to be a new talent row? You’re just conceding you are doing it out of spite.

With reputable figures such as Ralph how do we stand a chance against the bitter and jealous anti-talent row gang.



Hear, hear. I love so much about Shadowlands, but this taints it all. Linking performance in competitive content with RP choice is, well, not a very RP thing to do.

Here’s hoping they scrap it completely or make it unrelated with Covenants. A separate talent row seems perfectly plausible. Or heck, link the new stuff with the legendary crafted items. I don’t care – JUST NOT COVENANTS!

Please. :heart:


How long has it been since we’ve had a new talent row? It’s time to drop the borrowed power and give us something meaningful we can use going forward!


But there really isn’t any other good argument.

Restricting the covenants doesn’t add player agency, it removes a great potential for it. It doesn’t make for meaningful choices - it removes the possibility of them throughout an expansion by providing one choice which statistically is going to be more punishing than beneficial. It doesn’t take away any"RP" value, because the RP players could still make their rp choices the way they do today.

You say that it’s damaging - but the system won’t change. And I bet you’ll still keep paying blizzard when it rolls out.

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It’s not bad bad faith at all. Read the 7 posts between yours and this one. Sums it up entirely.

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Welcome to the world of little choice craft.

Damn, I love you.

You have literally crushed every argument people use to side with current system while simultaneously make them look like a bunch of sweaty and salty jerks.

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You understand that we’re not to blame, right?

Blizzard designs the system. If you are so against it, but continue to give them your money to implement and maintain the system - then you’re worse than we are. Your actions end up being hypocritical. If we’re sadistic, that would make you masochistic hypocrites.

I don’t mean that as disrespectful or as an insult - just as a fair assessment of objective facts. If you’re ok and are willing to own your choices as such, then cool. You’re not wrong or bad for doing so. But you can’t make us out to be villains the way Avel druid tries to.

I’m allowed to enjoy parts of the game while criticising it. If i didn’t have an amazing group of people to raid with trust me I wouldn’t be playing it.

I don’t like visions, I don’t like pvp, not a huge fan of m+. But raiding owns and I’m also making a tonne of gold. I don’t even pay blizzard money anymore.

It’s like getting a meal with a 10/10 steak but undercooked chips.


How is someone saying the system is bad worse than someone saying its good because he will enjoy watching others suffer? We are both paying to play the game so that is a constant. The only difference is I don’t want to have other players suffer for my enjoyment.

And I actually cancelled my sub yesterday and wrote 499 characters about this in the 500 character feedback section.

I absolutely will make you out to be a villain because you have said many time you want this system to be as is so other people are unhappy. That is reprehensible.


Interesting. For others it seems like shadowlands is like getting a nasty rancid steak, but awesome sides. Or like a really good milkshake, but with a hairy cucumber chopped up on it.

In your case, you can just eat the steak and ignore the fries. Odd that you’d post and be so vocal about your distaste if your analogy was accurate.

It’s the hypocritical part that makes it worse imo.

But in your case, you’re unsubscribing. Good for you.

We’ve been through this, kinda throughout the entire thread.

I want the game to be the best version it can be, and bar a few angry and salty people like yourself who admit you are doing it to spite the big mythic raiders changing to a talent row would be a net gain for the game.

I’m not trying to say I know better than the developers, but I sure play more than them.


So saying things are bad and wanting things fixed is a bad thing unless I unsub over it? Tol dagor has been broken and I wanted it fixed all expac does that make me worse than someone who says they like it being broken because it ruins people’s keys?


People complained about no account bound essences and we got account bound essences… It’s almost like feedback brings change… huh…

Where was the flood of people quitting if account bound essences became a thing or a corruption vendor like the people against them said would happen? Game has had more activity this patch than it has all expansion.

Empty threats from delusional players like Crimsonrayne.


I have no power or authority to make threats. I’m just making a prediction.

Blizzard is in control. I guess we’ll see what they do, and what you do in response.

I’ve already got two geared shamans in case the system isn’t changed. I’m not happy about it and I know many others will just up and quit if they are forced to play multiples of the same class.

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I dont even need to finish reading your original post.

Your title is obviously correct, nothing else is needed, /endthread


You had me in the first half not gonna lie…

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