Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row


There is decision making in constantly swapping abilities to adapt to different situations.

Either you can swap constantly, therefore making decisions constantly, or you pick once and that’s it for the next 2 years.

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What requires more skill or decision making?
Picking the best possible covenant for each individual form of content or boss or locking in one for the entire expansion.

Do you mean to keep giving me free wins in this argument? You’re the best enemy a man could have bless you

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I guess when you’re an elitist mythic raiding jerk you can’t see when you’re wrong and just substitute your own reality in when you know you’re being bested.

Ignoring the pointless personnal attacks, why are you denying that the system poses significant problems for a large group of players?

We are offering solutions that actually makes everyone happy, if you didn’t realize!


The talent row needs to happen!

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Exactly. Making 1 decision on week 1 then no more decisions for 2 years is less “player agency” and less decision making than if they were talents.

A perfect example would be resto druid. If I had to pick a talent to always have in row 1 it would be cen ward. But last week I swapped it for bursting so I could have more swift mends banked to save lives with soul of the forest. The majority of the time it’s not the right play so if I had to choose at the start of bfa I wouldn’t have had that option since cen ward is the pick in most situations.

I do think players making choices is important. That’s why I think we should make as many as possible by having them changeable.


Your so delusional to think it’s a 2-4% loss. There’s abilities that have utility not just damage in there. How the hell do you balance the priest one that changes enemy attacks to be heals versus one that does damage. They functionally serve entirely different purposes. Do you have any idea of the task it would be and how abilities would have to be changed to fall in line of this 2-4% your speaking of? And we still don’t know most conduits and soul binds, most of them just effect the covenant ability so far (i.e the revendreth tele etc)


I keep seeing the argument, it’s about meaningful choices. Wow is full of meaningful choices. Your Race, determines the Classes available to you. Your Class, determines the specs available to you. Your spec determines the spells, abilities, and weapons available to you. You also have the choice as to where you wish to level as you advance. Covenant class abilities do not need to be one of these meaningful choices. It harms no one letting them be a new talent row.

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I still laugh at people who think Blizzard can balance abilities within 2-4% when it seems like you need an active subscription to post on these forums, which means I’m guessing people play the game and have seen the absolute travesty that is corruption.

You can’t honestly think Blizzard can really balance them after looking at Corruption i mean serious? It’s required so many nerfs warcraft logs has had to split the logs twice now because the numbers were so drastically changed by nerfs to corruption.


Legion legendaries and azerite and to a lesser extent essences too. There is a very consistent trend here and covenants would be by far the hardest one to balance of the lot too.

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Agree, all we can do is hope for change…

It’s such a free goal Blizzard cmon.

Yea if blizz is looking for easy brownie points with the community this is a good way to get some. Hurts no one (except the guy who is saying he likes it because it makes other people unhappy but he doesn’t count because he deserves to step on lego)

We were on the right side of WoW history fighting for account bound essences and we will be on the right side of wow history with this change.

I just hope it doesn’t take two patches.


It’s not just me. Ralph, Argorwal, Swalsh and various others have also commented in a similar fashion.

Do you really think they’d make such a big change like this for just one person when it harms so many others?

Maybe you guys should learn river dance and go to do it on a floor covered with lego then and I’ll turn the lights off for you then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That would be masochism, not sadism.

Going through your post history, you have literally been constantly fighting people that want the system changed. Wether you like it or not, the majority of people want the system to be changed and I’d wager money on that. They have made a set of abilities which is impossible to balance and their goal of class identity instead of spec identity is in the toilet because certain abilities just don’t function for certain specs and along with not functioning, for some specs that ability isn’t even fun to press, it just sucks. I’m over being punished by blizzard because they don’t want people to play a certain way. They always do it and in bfa you can see the results. If you want to be punished so much keep playing bfa, the rest of us don’t want the same bfa crap all over again, they want freedom of choice. Cause right now people don’t have a lot of choice.


That is kind of a bad faith assertion and I’m pretty sure you know it.

Speaking anecdotally, there are lots of people who don’t want covenant abilities to be hot swappable. But when scanning this thread for even a minute I think most people would be able to identify how intransigent most people on BOTH sides are and just decide to move on.

My money is that blizzard keeps the system as is.

My money also is that you’ll still be here in SL paying blizzard your money to play within that punishing system.

I could totally be wrong on both counts… but I doubt it.

Sorry, could you once again elaborate how making it a talent row harms anyone?

There are dozens of us… DOZENS!

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