Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

2 steps plan to make shadowlands great

  1. get rid of timer torments (done, good job blizzard)
  2. make covenants good (still waiting blizzard)

I believe in Blizzard, there is no way anyone would give up such a free goal right?

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They are good. Just because they don’t align with your ideals doesn’t mean they are bad

They do align, they align so good that I want to be able to use all four of them throughout the expansion.

That’s how good they are.

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If you are allowed to use all 4 then there is no point in soul binds and other systems built around them

Why isn’t there a point?

Have you thought that far along or?

You’d just fall into the early legion trap making off specs almost impossible to play and you’d also just have bad ap again where you mindly grind it and not consider oh if i went faction A i’d get this OP soulbind vs getting a good ability

You mean exactly how people who play multiple specs will be punished by locking us to one covenant? If i play healer in raid but elemental in m+ i’m going to get punished for picking my healer choice.

I don’t know if you meant to do it but you totally strengthened our argument cheers for that.


i could not care less about making the system fit my ideals

i simply recognize that the system poses considerable issues for a large group of players and it should be addressed

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Jeez at least with Azerites it was somewhat okay to swap when you changed spec, Covenants is even worse than Azerites as a system for multi-speccing.

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If you’re talking about mythic raiders who push really hard and play their character to the max or parse lords then you’re really talking about a smaller % of the population then you think. If we look at warcraftlogs for heroic vs mythic data you can easily see there are many more people that don’t do or focus on that content. Then you also have to think about all the raiders who pug heroic and don’t even log it thus increasing the ratio of normal players : parse lords

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even though the issues with the system obviously affect all mythic players, there are a lot more players who are interested in having agency in their choices.

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You want to make 4 of a class, you do that. I’ll take my 2~4% loss.

Or we just get them to change the system?

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I don’t mind a 2-4% hit over all if it means i can to make my choice early on and stick to it. Just like picking a class. I pick it because it appears to be the most fun option and if its not i swap.

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Imagine being in favor of a system that is supposed to lock you to one covenant for the entire expansion. Yikes!



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Of course we do

The issue is that you can’t go back (or rather you can, but the penalties applied are intended to make it so they are essentially not swappable).

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They said the first swap would be okay but after that would be punishing. They don’t want you to swap constantly. Which is the literally the exact point of the thread.

So you’re telling me you want this game to be baby O’clock? No skill or decision making what so ever? No thank you. I’d rather have my game require planning for the future and not just this is exactly .24% better so i MUST HAVE IT