Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Oh I am also. I haven’t been a “hardcore” player since Cataclysm.

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where literally every character makes a permanent choice that determines the scope of their abilities? As I said, its a fundamental aspect.

Conveniently ignoring that you’re comparing apples with oranges… :roll_eyes:

You can’t just compare picking a class, which you can abandon and pick up right where you left off, with an external borrowed power system, where you lose all progress as soon as you flip the switch to another covenant.


You can min/max. Just pick the area you want to min/max in. Sorry you can’t have everything, but I appreciate having a choice with actual pros and cons in it.

The point is that the contention that meaningful choice does not exist is intellectually bankrupt.

If covenant abilities were setup like talents and players could swap whenever they wanted, wouldn’t there still be pros and cons when selecting one of them? You don’t get the benefit from all of them, so you still have to pick what one you want to use. The only difference is that if you go from raiding to pvping you have the ability to select one that might be more beneficial for the type of content you are participating in.

There’s still pros and cons.

Every time you select a talent you are making a meaningful decision. There are pros and cons for every talent tier, but players are able to swap talents around pretty much at will.

Explain to me how you are seeing a lack of pros and cons if covenant abilities were setup how talents are.

To me it seems like the argument you are trying to make is that you want a player to be locked to a choice they make in terms of covenant/covenant abilities, which is absolutely disgusting. If Blizzard puts restrictions like that on covenants then I would need to level 4 holy paladins in order to enjoy the full game because each one of them would be locked to a specific covenant.



What Blizzard Thinks Will Happen: LFM 15+ Key Push. No requirements, just bring some gear, a decent character, a can-do teamworking attitude and a wonderful smile.

What Everyone But Blizzard Knows Will Happen: LF 15+ Key Push, Venthyr ONLY. Know the Skip.


And this is exactly what will happen in EVERY aspect of the game when it comes to high-end/difficult content.

I don’t understand why people don’t like freedom. Why is this argument even happening?

For those of you that for whatever reason don’t enjoy freedom, you can still make a choice and stick with it and it can still be meaningful without ruining the game for other people… Just sayin’. You are FREE to play the game how you want, why can’t the rest of us be FREE to play the game how we want?


This is why I keep coming back to my point it feels like the people who don’t want the talent row are supporting their stance just to spite the top % of raiders/pvpers/battlegrounders/m+ which is insane.


That crap has been happening so much lately with a lot of different aspects of the game. One of the big ones is with time-gated content. I’m sure Blizzard wants to slow people down to juice their sub numbers, but I have seen far too many posts from players in favor of time gating content because “it’s not fair that someone else can do ‘x’ faster than me.”

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Yeah that seems to be the only point they got going for them

Make the game worse for everyone to annoy some people that barely exist

I can’t remember the last time someone went mix max mode on me

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The simple fact of the matter is that there should never be anything like covenant abilities that are tied to a faction and you are unable to freely swap.

If Blizzard really wants to put some kind of “Choose A or B, no backsies” choice in the game they need to just stick with a Scryer’s/Aldor type of system that isn’t tied to something like covenant abilities.

Being locked into a rental is the dumbest thing I have heard my entire life.


Imagine if blizzard made them a talent row and let us keep them even after the expansion.


Stop it I can only get so excited!

Hell I wish we’d be able to keep essences too, why keep removing things Blizzard :(.


Baseless assumption

Here is why Covenants do not provide a “meaningful choice”:


I know this post is a little old but kiaya is obviously a troll and I wouldn’t pay more attention to it…

That’s not at all true. Your covenant will be functional in all areas of the game. It might not be super optimal at all times but that’s totally fine. If you’re running with a guild that hassles you for picking a certain covenant, they’re not really your friends and you’re better off finding a better group of people.

100% agree people keep reaching here im going fae on my main shaman most likely that zone and the armor has me sold!

For the content you do that is true.
For the content I do that is not true.

Now actually answer this this time. How does it effect you if I can change between when I’m pushing keys and raiding? Why is it bad for you if I can do both optimally? How does that cramp your fun? You can still pick one and stick with it all you like.