I’m sorry you just can’t relax, have fun and enjoy the ride.
Not at the cost of character flavor/playability.
I do the best I can with whatever specs and talents I choose, even if some website says they aren’t optimal, because they happen to be a flavor preference or because the other option is harder to play with and enjoy.
Can we just point out you completely dodging any question of the merits in terms of positives of the current system?
Then you do not truly care about character power. It’s as simple as that!
You’re simply not doing content where it matters, I’m sorry if this comes across as harsh but that’s simply the reality.
I mean, what would you do in this situation?
-Play the spec that’s “optimal” even if it doesn’t mesh well with you and you can’t get as much DPS out of it? Or…
-Play the “suboptimal” spec, but end up having more fun and doing better with it anyhow?
Oh I’m aware. Which is why I will enjoy the current system. It would just be a bloody shame to see the first meaningful choice we ever got in this game get watered down because it might slightly inconvenience some.
Caring about your character’s power is wanting to play the optimal options and learn them.
Something being “not fun” just because it “doesn’t mesh well” for you is just a bad excuse to not say “I’m bad with the good build so I’ll play what I prefer”
I think you missed the key part of that whole thing. I am trying to reach top 200. For a class like mine with a small amount of raiders the difficulty of climbing the ranks is much harder and you have to squeeze every last bit of performance out which means I have to pick the covenant that will give me the edge. But I want to pick Necrolords and they might not be the best for raid so I’m just sol on what I want.
It would be a bloody shame to see the most important feature of the expansion be ruined because some spiteful people who don’t have any grasp of mythic raid balancing being inconvenienced because ???
Can you help me fill in the rest because I’m not sure how it inconveniences you at all.
You didn’t answer the question. I fully admitted that I’m bad with the good build, and better with the bad build (which puts out decent enough numbers anyway, no specs in this game currently are downright unplayable). What would be the best choice in that situation?
Remove the pvp talent row, making [some] abilities baseline (which I think they are somewhat doing…? I dont know).
Replace with Covenants talent row abilities.
Covenants aesthetics and unlocking them should work sorta like unlocking the Allied races. You can only do one at a time. In the case of no covenants talent row, you dont lose the progress of the rep grind for the aesthetic of a certain covenant when switching for the covenant abilities sake. Is the covenant mount gonna be like class mounts? Meaning you couldn’t possibly have all 4 by the end of the xpac (edit: on one character)? Whereas this may be probable for the gear aesthetics…? (Like Allied races).
Just some thoughts, thanks.
That’s what I’m talking about.
You know the answer!
Your 2 options are “Be good” or “Don’t be as good as you can be”. The “Be good” option can’t be “less fun” if you really care about your character’s power. The whole point of caring about your character’s power is having fun min-maxing it and making it as strong as it can be.
You can have a balance though.
If one spec is supposedly “optimal” but harder to play, and I’m only getting, for the sake of argument, 50k DPS out of it, then what’s the point in continuing to try to play it? Wouldn’t I actually be caring more about player power by choosing the “suboptimal” spec, but is the one I’m getting 60-70k DPS out of?
It’ll be the almost the same deal with covenants. If I choose a covenant I enjoy, and will have fun playing with, but is getting me 90k DPS, whereas the “optimal sim” covenant ends up giving me 100k DPS, but I hate it and being forced into it would kill my fun, why should I worry? 90k DPS is still pretty good.
So what I’ve gathered from reading a lot of the posts on this thread…
I’ll just call it the casual VS hardcore argument.
Hardcore: These people basically just want to be able to min/max in everything they do. They don’t want to force anyone to play the game in a manner that isn’t enjoyable and they don’t want to be forced to play the game with a system they don’t enjoy. FREEDOM.
Casuals: The people who are not in favor of being able to swap covenant abilities seem to want to force others to play the game in a manner that isn’t enjoyable.
Now here’s a question for the casuals who are against it…
In what world is it going to have any effect on you if hardcore players are able to freely swap covenant abilities in order to min/max their character for whatever content they are doing?
Chances are you aren’t going to be pushing the super difficult content that requires min/maxing your character and squeezing out every ounce of potential dps/healing/survivability, so why does it matter if someone else wants to be able to?
I am casual and I want to be able to freely swap abilities
That’s basically it!
The meaningful choice fallacy is sadly too real though, hopefully they realize their stance is wrong soon enough…
So you play the game for fun and don’t care about min/maxing… That’s fine, but why are you wanting to ruin someone elses fun by not allowing them to min/max?
Honestly might just print and frame your reply.