We’re back from the holiday. Time to get the forum talking about whats important again. This is important.
Imagine if you could switch covenants for a specific instance so you have one locked in but you could spend x gold to use another one for an instance until it is reset or the key is completed
Looking at the Maldraxxus armor set makes me sad, I’d love to choose my covenant based off aesthetics and armor set. Unfortunately as someone who mythics raid I’d be handicapping my raid by not choosing the best one.
Okay timbo. Lets act like you don’t have 3 shaman ready for shadowlands
You’re right Magnapinna.
I currently have two extremely geared shamans.
My main is 12/12M and my second shaman is 11/12M from our alt run. But i really don’t want to play two more shamans just to get the full experience !!
But in your last post you were upset you wish you could pick based off armor and aesthetics which you can do on an alt shaman
It’s fine because I would pick my favourite one and go with it. And then i can level an alt just until i can get the gear!
And what about those that don’t have 4 alts? Should we just not bother?
im malding covenants bad
free goal blizz new talent row or allow them to be swapped, anything but the current iteration!
Just buff mw and it won’t matter
Actually the easiest free goal of Blizzards life. It would immediately expand so many possibilities that are not realistic with the current suggested system.
The first thing you do when you make a character is lock yourself into a permanent choice which determines the scope of your characters powers and very often results in making it easier or more difficult to get into specific content due to ever changing game balance.
I can’t wait to pick the best covenant and then the conduits are like “+5% smite damage” while the nerds picking the bad covenants get sick conduits like “Reduces Power Word: Radiance’s cooldown by 10 seconds”
Kekw nice tuning knob blizzard
I can’t wait to pick a covenant based off the strongest raid ability and then have Blizzard nerf it a month into the expansion because they realise they don’t know how to balance anything well.
Decrease ef’s channel time by 50% (so base without upwelling it would be 1 gcd)
Decrease rem’s cd by 50% (so rm is giga)
Decrease rsk’s by 2 seconds (to cancel out the hidden aura that randomly adds 2 seconds)
I just want off the ‘borrowed power’ train we have been on for a while now. It’s just a tease each expansion since Legion. 3 xpacs in a row of special borrowed abilities feels a bit much.
The issue is that you play the class for playstyle. Covenants don’t change your playstyle that much if at all. This just adds a layer of Oh look a rouge we need that… oh wait wrong covenant reject
Yeah like when i select talents and i’m locked in with them forever right?
Oh, class (x) got nerfed and is out of the meta, lets wait for class (a) or class (b).
Same story different day.
I don’t see anyone advocating for free swapping of classes. I even tried to advocate for it and found very little interest in the idea.
Yes but we’re not asking for class changes. We’re asking for the new set of abilities that are chained behind covenants to be a talent row.
Let’s stay on point now!