Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

That’s why I’ve been holding out on buying Shadowlands.

1 - Covenants are freely swappable.
2 - To do the tower, you have to grind a currency.
3 - Changing soulbinds/conduits requires a consumable.

All of these bear the stench of milking us for more time played - in a game where we pay money to play each month.

If it was a free to play game - ok then sure. But when we’re paying money each month - this kind of design is so disrespectful.

totally agree but because this makes more logical sense, it doesn’t cross the minds of those behind its design. What a shocker though right ?

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I’m kind of at the point where I think we should remove all talents and keep the important ones as part of the spec/class. Most of the choices aren’t meaningful.

I think that’s because they may have a different goal in mind.

Inflating time played seems to be a common theme with Shadowlands.

If you want to play optimally - you’ll need to level and gear 4 of the same class to have all 4 covenants as options for each piece of content/role.

If you want to be able to change your souldbinds/conduits - you need to farm a consumable.

If you want to run the Tower - you’ll need to grind out a currency.

It just seems like they keep milking us for as much time as possible.

Talents in mop used to be more a choice between easy/hard (with harder to play talents offering more dps or just more in general) and mostly focus on utility rather than the style of talents we have now. I think that’s the best this kind of talent system can offer. It seriously become problematic when the best talents are all passives or that some classes can’t single target at all if they spec aoe (or the reverse) like arcane mage or affliction warlock.

But as far as meaningful choice go personnaly it’s story based choice, it should not be linked to big power system most of the time, and even less in an mmorpg where people are competitive with each others.

I wouldn’t have experienced it because I rarely swapped azerite talents. I chose a spec then if I played another spec my azerite gear basically was just a stat stick.

As long as you play the content in the roll that the covenant you chose favors it was not a mistake. The only mistake would be picking something then NEVER using it for the content it favors. Those of you who play ALL the content have no wrong choice, but that also means no right choice either.

And this is why you are out of your league when you are in this discussion. If that’s truly how you played with your azerite then you were playing priest so horribly wrong. I mained priest the first two tiers of this expansion. I got CE on both.

So players that specifically picked and play their class for various roles are s.o.l. out of the gate?

All for what? I play casually, and don’t switch roles… and I gain nothing for those players being punished.


This is the worst bit Imo. They say “I don’t want to switch mine so no switching for you either”. I respond with “you could just pick yours and not switch it” and for some reason that’s not good enough for them.

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We should be able to “learn” class covenant abilities from every covenant and then be able to switch to any one we want while rested. Hot swop between the various abilities for the situation just like talents and a unique talent row. When is this going to happen? If it doesn’t, shadow lands will probably be a failure.


This scares me to, going into BFA the big selling point was Azerite armor. It was a resounding failure and people left in droves and the population never really came back.

This absolutely needs to be the fix

Shadowlands really needs to not be another bfa or wod, not be a doomsayer but it more than likely would effect the game harshly were the xpac to not to do well


Twice in a row, for emphasis

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agree with you completely Blackgaia.

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And? You would be the minority that the game should not be designed around. The mentality that you are punished if you can not be optimal is a flawed form of thought. Everyone WANTS to be optimal but all things should come with a price. Superman is a perfect example of always being optimal that basically makes achievements trivial. Which heroes are most popular? Marvel ones who all have strengths and weaknesses. Is Superman superior? Of course. Watch Justice League and you should be asking yourself why are those other ‘heroes’ even there? Players do not need to be Superman, they just need to be heroes.

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Says…? Says who? Says you?

Look at it this way. Someone wins and someone loses. I am currently playing PSO2 and having a blast. I would like to be able to enjoy WoW going forward. No matter what they decide it could turn out good for both of us, either of us, or even neither of us. I am fine if this game continues down a path of mediocrity. I will just get my enjoyment elsewhere. It would be nice if everyone can be happy. Considering how different our views are I find it unlikely to happen. Either way this game will go on and people will come and go just like they always have.

Covenant abilities are boring! New talents would be way more interesting!

There I said it.

Is any testing happening of covenant abilities? IT seems the focus is on anima powers and Torghast right now.

So how will covenant abilities, soul binds and conduits come together with crafted legendaries? Lots of systems stacked on systems if you ask me.

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You’ve failed to answer my question. Would you like to try again? Are you just speaking for Blizzard these days?

Yeah I don’t get it. Seems awfully masochistic to me.

I play with an rp mentality, and I don’t want to force anyone down that kind of playstyle if they don’t enjoy it.

Only if I were to get some enjoyment from their suffering would it be worth it.