Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

The only yikes in this thread is a 12/12 water boy asking the developers to make the expansion easier before its released.

By that logic you’re essentially saying a water boy is doing better than you at the game. Yikes.


Since this game isn’t competitive, whether or not he’s doing better than me is irrelevant. The mount for AOTC doesn’t even look good.

Until you started slinging trash their way. So then at that point the comparisons begin. And you fall HEAVILY short in the ability to call anybody a seat warmer.


It bothers him. Doesn’t bother me. He can keep flexing his 12/12 Mythic clear as much as he wants, doesn’t change the fact that he wants the game changed to make content easier for him, the ‘Mythic Raid Leader’ of the benches.

Reminds me of the other guy that complained about his R druid not getting +25 because reasons.

They won’t both down the boss because the one doing 10% less damage will get benched.

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Nah that’s stupid. Being well equipped for Mythic doesn’t make it easy all of a sudden. It’s still challenging. Our and many other teams were well equipped for Mythic Argus during Antorus. That did not stop it from being a 400-500 wipe encounter.

And what’s it to you that players want to be well equipped for the content they enjoy?


Again, how will they know?

Unless everyone knows the arbitrary average of damage each player needs to do for every boss, usually the classes at the bottom regardless get benched, so if that 10% still keeps said class in the middle of the pack, how do they get benched?

They can do what they want; it’s just odd that ‘good’ players need the game changed, not because the content is impossible, but so they can do better by default instead of by skill.

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You seem to have skirted over this part though.

You can still give players the ability to be prepared for each encounter and still have said encounter be challenging.


Yea, but that’s like scum saving; if you know the hard part is coming and you save your progress at that point, then you remove a lot of the risk around the fight. The fight can still be challenging, but amazingly less impactful.

Topic is about discussion of unofficial covenant abilities
devolved into people looking each others profiles and making fun :roll_eyes:

400-500 wipes is not less impactful. You’re out of your mind if you think otherwise.


See that I disagree with because of one specific issue massive ilvl inflation. I miss just having one or at max two difficulties. Should get rid of normal and drop heroic to be on ilevel with previous mythic tier.

That’s what these discussion devolve into. ‘Change the game for me; the 12/12 Mythic Raid Leader because reasons.’

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Stick to the topic folks if you want blizzard to take this thread seriously.

Is it the amount or the fact that, regardless of what abilities you had at your disposal, you couldn’t down said boss because of the talent in your raids?

Except we cleared it. With 504 wipes and well equipped with everything over the months of progression. And among other raiding groups outside of our guild the average for the boss was around 450-500 wipes. It was a long and punishing encounter.

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So, with the availability of changing your talents, gear, pots, professions, buffs, and other additives; what was the difference between the first wipe, the 504th wipe, and the moment you finally downed the boss?

Was it the superficial factors in the gear, talents, etc, or the players manning the controls behind that with voice chat, DBM, and Weak Auras?

Muru was downed pre nerf the hell are you talking about? It was downed within 3 days crazy hard boss no doubt but it was downed while the aoe still did pushback. Cthun mechanically wasn’t hard the numbers were just high.

Our comp and experience with the fight

Like I said we were geared out and had the ability to change whatever we wanted and we still hit the average of 500 wipes.