Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Oh I can change talents mid fight and mid M+ run damn wish I knew that.

I’m honestly curious do you actually think there are choices?

If so you are vastly mistaken this has already been talked about by a lot of higher tier players Ven will be basically mandatory for even mid tier keys. There are also class abilities that will just be flat out better for raiding. Here’s what will actually end up happening players will end up leveling 4 of the same class and getting burnt out cutting the sub base even further just like in legion.

Wasn’t aware they continued to release sub numbers. Legion in my house hold was also generally well liked. TBH I don’t remember hearing many complaints about legion except from the altaholics.

There was a huge contraction of guilds at the top at least in the US basically 15 of the top 20 vanished between nighthold and tomb largely from burnout

I see, so the top 1% is a indicator of how good an expansion is or isn’t. Do you value that crowd that much?

Yes yes we know you hate the players who try to be good when there is burnout at the top there is often lower down as well anecdotally I know a lot of people who quit out of frustration legendaries and not getting what they wanted and being stuck 20% behind. Also the neverending grind for ap but hopefully that doesn’t apply this expac. Now you get to choose to be 20% behind in some content instead of having a chance at a drop to fix it isn’t that fun :smiley:

They are doing everything right in this xpac except covenants and the old standby of flight hatred and it’s probably their last shot but activision starts making hard cuts so you should worry about what most of the playerbase will like.

I don’t hate them I just think they are part of a problem. When the game has to be designed around that crowd it sucks the fun right out. It must be exhausting having to always do what other people tell you to do and not really just sit back and enjoy the game as a game. Idk. Just seems like this burn out is more self caused.

You realize that you can enjoy the game as a game without actively trying to not be good right?

I enjoy parse competitions for example something corruption has largely sapped the joy from because it’s not even due to skill. I got a top 3 the other day and it was because I had ungodly corruption procs like 60% of my damage was td.

I promise I won’t shoot down your pros id just like to see the angel you’re coming from

You can feel that the game shouldn’t have been designed around them, and frankly, I would agree; too much of the RPG has been stripped out, imo, in favor of systems that were simpler for the devs to implement and focus on a competitive elite system.

However, we’re about 12 or 13 years into that decision and it’s a bit late to decide to walk that decision back at the high levels. No one thinks of WoW as primarily an RPG. Deciding to make those kinds of decision matter again for a 2-3 year expansion at the potentially highest level of competency is a bad way to work back into it (and frankly I’m not sure this choice would have been a good idea even in Vanilla; I signed up to play a priest that shoots holy golden bolts, not cyan nonsense.)

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You say that but you don’t even realize what you are saying. You don’t have to actively try to not be good. You simply just have to make choices for the fun of it. Things you are not allowed to do as a min/maxer. Choose a talent based on what is fun, choose a class/race which fits your own desire. Choose your own secondary stats. Idk it just seems like a whole lot of the game is taken away from you when you make that choice. You don’t have to actively try to be bad, you just have to actively choose to be free minded and enjoy a game for what it is. A game.

I do choose my own secondary stats that they happen to be good more often than not just kind of happens because I understand how my class plays. Doing stuff like double stacking runeblade for example makes the rotation feel more smooth. Versa allows me to have more control over my own survival and haste means I gain runes faster which lets me play more. If I could fully stack haste/vers I would. Most of the stuff that’s good is what makes a class feel better to play like stacking crit on bm for dod makes the class feel better to play.

Using something like a gate that can skip everything will feel fun as heck but it also means I don’t get to choose based on aesthetic I’m choosing based on gameplay even if I really don’t like vampy boys and want to play as the angels.

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The pros for it for me is I finally get to feel like we are getting something akin to a real sub class. I mean we do have specializations but you can change those so easily it’s just not the same. Being able to change something reduces the value of that choice.

Being able to step into a deeper fantasy of what my character is being stuck with my covenant choice and the abilities increases that feeling of investment.

Honestly I can’t come up with a third, but at the same time I don’t really see any cons to this aside from not being as powerful as someone else potentially? But I write that off cause this is the same thing that happens when you choose your class. Not a big deal. And also ties into number 1 on my Pros. . so not really even sure if that is much of a con.

Unlikely to happen at launch with all the work already done. Major changes to a system they already designed before alpha and beta doesn’t tend to happen does it.

I agree that each covenant ability should be given to us to swap between. Each covenant has the same goal afterall, and it could be cool to have raid bosses that particular covenants defeat through their abilities.

But where does that leave the class specific abilities and those new talent trees?

This is just a mess of spells.

Then play as the angels? You realize the only thing stopping you is you. I assure you it won’t stop you from getting groups. Every class has been bottom rung before and all been able to get groups this will be no different.

I assure you it will because skips will be used in even medium level M+

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Start your own group? I think that is the mantra right?

I thought you agreed that there was no point to your rambling.
Like before you haven’t be able to say why you want those to happens, only that you feel that you like them that way.
But I will give you points atleast for this

But you’re still mostly attacking people because they enjoy the game a different way.

Aren’t you bored of trolling?
Don’t get me that ridicule defense that you want to make your voice heard, everyone can see what you’re doing in this thread.

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So I should force my group to be artificially capped to use a mog instead of just having the ability to make choices based on cosmetics I should have to actively choose to make myself worse. Great game design that won’t make me at all want to quit /s

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that honestly seems like a perception problem. If you form your own group of like minded individuals would you really be setting your group back? You might not be competiting for the top 10 but is that what you are shooting for are you in the running? If so then I apologize it prolly does affect you.