Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

That is pretty weak, and honestly not things I value that highly. What is so wrong with wanting to have a choice that affects something that has some value to it.

If I want a pretty mount, pet, or armor set I can just throw cash at it.

They can’t the way it’s set up right now. Signature abilities alone are enough to drive choice adding in class binds and cov specific legendary items and it’s impossible. They need to get over it and just let us choose for story/cosmetics.

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Because this isn’t a single player game and tying player power to cosmetic and story choice means there is not an actual choice for many players. This isn’t even factoring in the fact that people play multiple aspects of the game and this will punish those who want to do that.

Who’s fault is it that they choose to min/max that much? You get that right, it is a personal choice. Live with the consequence.

Uhhh, you’re saying you don’t care for all the aesthetic items that come with covenants?

Oh well. I won’t tell you you’re wrong for liking the current covenant design. That’s your opinion.

I just think combat advantages shouldn’t be mixed with cosmetic appeal. This is why the playerbase has (rightfully) complained about racials non-stop for years. People don’t like to feel like they have to give up their preferred character narratives or aesthetic choices in order to have optimal or viable combat advantages. Especially because this game is so focused on group-content, it turns into feeling like other people are making the choice for you. IE you might be denied a group invite to a raid, M+, RBG, or Arena if you haven’t picked the “right” covenant.

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I didn’t say I disliked them, I just don’t value it that highly. Will value it even less when there is loads of people running around with it.

So is subscribing and it’s a choice many are thinking about not making if covenants stay the way they are. I shouldn’t be automatically disadvantaged in pvp and raids because I went vampire boys for m+

Interesting threat, but honestly others could demand a refund if it isn’t given as it was sold depending on region. Misleading a product is bad in many countries now and could even get them stuck with a fine.

I wonder which threat they would be more concerned about.

It’s not really a threat it’s an observation as for your bs very few people would be angered by them making sigs and class abilities new talent rows basically the only ones would be those who want to punish “min maxers”

Who wants to punish min/maxers? Just because people don’t want to lose something because min/maxers cry about it doesn’t mean they want to punish min/maxers.

Lose what? What do you lose? You still have access to all abilities if you want to role play that you can’t change them you can do that as well. You lose nothing except punishing people who want to play multiple aspects of the game.

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Ah this argument. Just like with flight right? People could roleplay they can’t fly. :eyeroll:

They could take flyers off their bar yes. Now what do you lose.

If that ability isn’t removed from everyone any hopes of ever seeing a harvest node in the open world again.

Flight canceled in war mode that was easy. Now on topic of the thread what do you lose if signatures and class abilities are made into a talent row.

The item I was sold when I pressed the purchase button. Which was a choice that gave us a skill that cannot be changed. Lasting choices are fun for some of us. It brings back that feeling of when you first created your character. It also creates a sense of making a sub-class. While a weak one i’ll have to settle for it.

So you lose nothing other than punishing people who want to play optimally. You can still have that feeling just never change your talents.

The ability to change removes that. It’s not the same. You are trying to tell me bread is still bread when there is mold on it. I don’t want moldy bread, I want what was sold to me.

No you want to punish people you already made that clear.

How does that say I want to punish people? Every choice has a consequence sometimes negative, sometimes positive but that choice comes with a consequence. Telling you to live with that isn’t a indicator of punishment.

You know the difference between a child and an adult? Adult are able to accept the consquences for their choices. Children try to avoid them.