Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Buddy you’re not fooling anyone, the old talent trees are the worst example in the whole game you could have picked as a “meaningful choice”.

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Ah yes the old talent trees that got revamped and nobody ever looked back because spending gold to swap talents was ridiculous.

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No what you are describing is a long term choice. We make meaningful decisions many time a day when we play.

A meaningful choice would be something like, do I take soul of the forest, tree form or cultivation? That’s meaningful as it will inform my gameplay and make a difference to what I am about to do. It let’s me plan for what’s about to come and make informed decisions based on prior knowledge of the content.

What you are describing is making one decision right at the start of the expansion and then spending the next 2 years hoping you got it right and hoping you didn’t get it too right so that they nerf it like they did with certain azerite traits and corruption.

If bfa has shown us anything its that they will not be tuned to within a few % of each other upon release and will require nerds and buffs later. To use corruption as the most recent example let’s say you hit the jackpot and really liked the one you pick aesthetically and it also gives gushing wounds. You would be about to get a 35% nerf to the thing you chose months ago and have been working on your soul binds etc with ever since.

Even if you get one that doesn’t get changed you only get to make 1 decision for the whole expansion then your done. No more decisions for you.


Thought i had a meaningful choice when i picked my class and race combination :frowning:

You did, we need more choices like that. Sadly when ever blizzard tries anything people go nuts before even giving it a chance.

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Please consider cancelling the covenant abilities. I just want to be in a zone that looks visually appealing to me.

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That’s because we have seen how this all plays out before and we also can easily identify when something sounds stupid

Try to make a pro and con list of having locked covenant abilities

If one of the “pros” might cause someone to suffer remove it


I am on the camp where choices need to matter and you shouldn’t be allowed to change it whenever you want.

I don’t want it to be like Skyrim.


If you can change something at will it isn’t a meaningful choice.

You know what this game would be like if they removed something or not implemented it every single time it might cause someone to suffer? I don’t think there would be a game at all.

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2 rows please one for signature and one for the class ones. Otherwise as a tank I just take the gateway no matter what and I wanted to be part of the angel faction :frowning:

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They attempt to reduce harm as they should

This system will end up just annoying everyone in the process

But please make me a pro and con list or even just try to list 3 pros for it

I’m in the camp where this isn’t a single player rpg and in a zero sum game you can’t make a choice have gameplay benefits over another or there isn’t an actual choice.


Why bother? You would shoot it down my pros might be your cons. Imagine that people like different things. Sadly they will not be able to please both sides. I wish they could because I don’t want people to not be enjoying themselves but I also wish to enjoy myself.

It should be similar to Morrowind, like how the factions works there :stuck_out_tongue:

But that wouldn’t be what was sold to us when you go press that pre purchase button.

Ahh yes, fair point

Most people won’ be able to choose based off of story right now for tanks it’s basically you take the gate if you want to do M+ and better hope that your class ability is decent.


You’ll care about it when it contributes to the content you’re doing. And you still will have a covenant choice for aesthetic items and storylines.

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Fair point. Tough task for Blizzard to ensure the balance if they want to make choices meaningful.