Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Agree? Or caved to an extremely vocal portion of the player base that really doesn’t want to play an adventure rpg?

The thing is people keep reapeating meaningful choice like there’s only one way to make something meaningful and it is to lock you in it. SPOILER, choices are only meaningful if the player let them be. People can always reroll before to dodge the “locks” that the game developers put, or more realisticly just quit when they feel stuck in a build.

Classes are already restricted in what they can do, you’re clearly not playing a swiss army knives. If anything they should add more baseline stuff to classes because that’s the biggest “meaningful” choice that people do. They like their class and like to stick with one.

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You have to determine that for yourself.

I think implementing quality of life mechanics from day 1 in Shadowlands shows Blizzard’s stance on this has evolved into something better.
Hopefully they do the same with Covenants. Such a free goal to gain so much players’ favor!

Actually, we don’t even need to hope for that. It will happen inevitably. What we need to hope for is to make sure it doesn’t happen too late.

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Ok can you show me that system? Like hit me with what has been shown so far of the new system.

Souldbinds is the system I believe or it could be another name. I remember listening to some alpha players about it on youtube. Although Admittidly I could be misunderstanding what they are saying.

Never the less. The streamers and youtubers playing Shadowlands all seem very happy with everything. I havnt seen anyone complain much at all about the covenants. You know people actually playing the game.

But that is what covenants are. A way to further customize your character. This is an rpg. My Human Night Fae Fury warrior should play differently than a Tauren Necrolord Fury warrior.

If they don’t play differently then what is the point? If the only goal is “agency,” then there is no reason to stop at covenants. Forgo all rpg and just make everyone the same. Classes, specs, racials, all of it.

We need to hope that character progression is made meaningless day 1? In an rpg? Yikes.

One of the dk ability is a 20 yard massgrip (5 yard bigger than blood dk one), if it’s anywhere close in dps to other ability then it’s broken because it boost everyone dps in your group. This is just one example of how utility is also one of the biggest problem here.

People also keep repeating this is a rpg, depending of the definition you use it is a jrpg, it was never a pure rpg because your choice never impacted the game story.

You also don’t need power to be linked to story choices in a rpg, nothing force you to do that.

I’m totally fine if they play differently, but if anything we know already we will be able to switch. So the battle is just how often and how easy, and that also means that the comparison to classes can not be done that well, it’s more comparable to azerith gear respec cost or vanilla/tbc respec cost. (they have themselves compared azerith gear respec cost to covenants respec cost )

Maybe, I’m still pretty confident it will be fine just based on the way people playing it are reacting. Even that bueller dude that whines about absolutely everything is giving it good reviews. And he complains about stuff almost as much as halfelvesbabyface or w/e that bald dudes name is. Even the most negative WoW streamers and youtubers are giving good reviews. That says something doesn’t it?

That is your opinion.

Even if it took a long time to arrive, the Essences fix is an elegant solution. Mains have to do it the rough way the first time. Alts still have to put in work to get them, though it is much faster. This is good. Are you truly interested in grinding 30 000 honor, or grinding several reputations for 3 to 4 weeks, on all of your characters to earn one of your essences? Good luck convincing anyone of that.

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As far as I know this isn’t true, I’m pretty sure Bellular has voiced concerns about covenants. Also this is the wow forums, are you trying to say that streamers are the only one able of an opinion? xd

No. everyone has opinions, but tbh. Your opinion isn’t very valid if it’s about something you have not tried yet. This is like LFR people that never touched a mythic dungeon complaining about Mythic+ content.

You can have a valid opinion with arguments, which I provided. Yes I don’t have personnal experience about them specificly, but I have a lot of experience with wow already. If anything more than you.

This is rarely valid. The Torghast’s Torments mechanic that was recently added to Alpha is a perfect example. An absolute total waste of development time that serves no purpose but to fit Blizzard’s vision, when they could drop it entirely and it would do absolutely no harm to anyone.

Don’t need to play Torghast to know that.

Doubt it, been here sense classic. Although I think this specific account has be around sense MoP. My first one got banned.

Pretty on par for the course. Lots of hype > Lots of information > Lots of complaints > Pre-Patch.

We’ve had 2 expansions in a row where players get a decent look at the major progression systems in WoW. RNG Legendaries in Legion sucked, but they didn’t budge until the expansion was over. BFA Azerite Traits sucked, and they ended up scrapping most of their original design halfway through the expansion.

Right now, the “battle” is on Torments in Torghast and making Covenants feel meaningful without making them feel mandatory. It’s not that it’s hard to fix, it’s hard to find a fix that works for competitive players and the more casual players; the “mandatory talents issue” is not exclusive to the top 0.1%.

Making Covenant Class Abilities a talent pick separate from Signature Abilities ruins Covenants’ purpose for me. I just see it as yeah another thing to run sims on.


IDK aside from the bug with the Bad luck protection with the RNG legendaries I kind of liked it. Was the first time in awhile I got excited doing content hoping to get a surprise. Titan forging did that too a little, but it just didn’t give the same level as the Legiondary system.

I didn’t comment to the rest because I’m not there experiencing it so I can’t really refute what your saying.

What wasn’t fun was making another toon of the same class to replace your main because your main got Prydaz. I don’t like the idea of potentially running 4 of the same class for the sake of Covenants. Optimization is weird at times, but the meta trickling down to the masses happens all the time… I don’t want that to be the norm. (Even running 2 of the same class is silly to me (if you play competitively). Play the toons want to play, but I don’t want to have Covenants make up the majority of your reasoning.)


I’m mostly talking about the content you do ingame, not how long you been here. Like you were saying in your example.

I apologize that may be the case. I assumed you was talking about experience with WoW mechanics and not content.