Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Everything is the same if you break them down to the smallest atom. And you call me out for making a strawman?

Benefit? That is your opinion. Other’s called it content droughts.

You are right. They do. None provide instant gratification. None cater to players that to want to raid log or farm their alt armies.

Care to explain your perspective? Or will you constantly answer with meaningless single sentences?

Yeah like how we get azerite gear a chance.

You’re allowed to criticize a system that has painfully obvious pitfalls.


Covenant abilities are an augmentation of our class. They are not RNG based legiondaries. Nor are they an RNG based armor system that you have to grind endlessly into powering up. They are more akin to Racials if you want to compare it to something.

There was actually something similar to this before and I was very sad when they removed it. Priests skills used to vary depending on the race you chose. That is more what this is.

Are you now implying that the old expansions weren’t great then? If so why did you just use the players’ praise for them as a point earlier?

Now that is your mistake. Why imply that we want instant gratification? On the contrary, us advocating for a better system are completely fine with mains having it “harder” the first time around.
Hell, Blizzard themselves agree with this, if you kept up with the Shadowlands stuff you will know of what I’m talking about. Specifically for the legendaries and the covenants.

Kinda sounds like talents to be honest. Fancy that.

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Which implies that you want your alts to get the same progression for less effort.

Yes. They are finally realizing that some people just want WoD.

Okay, cool then. Nothing to complain about.

Racials are purposefully made near non-impactful, there were only a few extreme cases in the past that were fixed quickly so it stays that way.

The abilities being an augmentation of our class is an interesting take. I don’t think it’s true since the abilities are stretched thin for the classes that fills different roles, but it does seem better for the classes that fill one or two role.

And wouldn’t it be great if you could pick how to augment your class whenever you want, with a simple click as if you were switching a talent? I think it would!

Similar but with other systems they have in place lets you modify things a bit. Putting them in the talent system would restrict what they can do with them.

Yes. Exactly. How is this a bad thing? Blizzard gave in for every single external progression system since Legion, and now with Shadowlands they are applying these right away at release. Showing they agree with the players on that side of the boat.

What is your point here?

Uh do tell how making us use 4 different talents instead of being locked to one would restrict anything?

racials have gotten nerfs throught the year to the point that they aren’t that strong except in pvp or mdi. They are also a very small part of your dps so easier to balance. Covenants abilities and system will be about 30%+ of your dps, with some of them having just insane utility that is not comparable at all.

Also you pretty much didn’t invite a priest that didn’t play dwarf for raids in Vanilla because yes it was that broken and needed.

Same with professions. And players are asking for them to be meaningfully different. That does not mean some should be broken, but there should be a difference between in how they play.

No. That would be a different game. I don’t play WoW for my character to be a swiss army knife.

It’s not about that. It’s more about the mechanics. Talents work in a very specific way. Modifying those talents wouldn’t possible unless perhaps they was to rework the Glyph system again.

Ok I want you to try again because you’ve completely failed to address a single part of my question.

Ok, so i picked cloudburst totem for raid because It’s the best choice for raid now I have an ability called cloudburst

For covenants, I pick the covenant which gives me the strongest ability for raid. I have an ability called ‘whatever it ends up being at launch’

What am i missing here? Would you like to try again

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How is devaluing the progression of my main, that has months or years of investment into it, to a comparable level to your alt that you’ve played for 3 days, bad?

Is that a serious question?

I don’t know. You tell me? Blizzard showed 5 times in a row over the last 4 years now that they agree with making alts have an easier time than mains.

Are you disagreeing with Blizzard now? I’m confused.

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For them to work in the talent tree. They would need to create a sub talent tree so they can further modify those talents. As I recall reading a secondary system which modifies the covenant abilities that way if you chose a covenenant that wasn’t so great for say doing AoE content it made it work better in that scenario. Although they could rework the glyph system to provide the same effect. But it would make the covenants themselves feel a little pointless. Just like how races feel dumb if you remove those racial abiliites.