Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Bet how much… that in patch 9.1 they’ll release something like [Temporary vial of another Covenant Power] so we can have this flask-like buff to change our current Covenant class ability?

That really just sounds like a issue with people that are of the hive mind and value min/maxxing more then they should. My opinion here may be unpopular on this, but those people should try to break away from that. It is damaging to the game and restrict game design as it’s impossible to expirment without upsetting that crowd in some form.

There is nothing wrong with me wanting to do my best in multiple forms of content with my character. With covenants that’s not really possible without multiple characters of the same class.

In the same way people have a class for mythic plus and a class for raiding we will now need to do the same for playing the same class or be letting down our mates in one part of end game at the least.

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At what cost does performing 1% better come at? IS that 1% Really needed to actually succeed. I understand the desire to have the best at all times but when its not needed and restrict game design it’s a problem.

So simple and yet so true. Such an easy win to get, Blizzard.

It’s not gonna be a 1% difference.

0% chance it ever gets close to that.

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It’s not going to be 1% though. The measurable numbers ones are still far mor thatln that without taking into account the extras like cheesing a mechanic.

Paladin is the best example Imo. 5 holy shocks a minute is huge and that’s not even going to be the best one. If night fae releases as it is it will be crazy

If it were only a few % it would be fine but if bfa has taught us anything it’s that these powers (azerite, essences, corruption) are more than a few % apart from each other.

I’m not willing to go all in on 4th time being the charm

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You guys thinking personal performance or over all raid? With 20 people for it to be more then a 1% difference that single ability would have to be extremely over powered.

I don’t feel it’s as damaging as you want to make it sound.
Obviously players are free to have fun in the way they want.
And wow has always welcome people from all grounds.
I feel the compromise to be able to switch between abilities at a decent pace, without feeling you need alts of the same classes is not a terrible one as far as game design. If anything they will have to nerf and balanced them more like they do with racials so not one is too strong, which will limit their creativity and the “fun” that comes from those abilities.

The ability to switch them at will. At some cost was floated around at blizzcon although may have changed has it? If not what’s wrong with having to pay for the switch.

We don’t know yet how much it will cost to, and that’s also a problem nobody liked to pay to respec their character or to respec their azerith gear. It didn’t make the game more flavorful, it just made me play less my offspecs or do activities that would be better If I did respec.

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Because they said it would be with a time investment. I finish raid then want to do keys. Can’t swap so I will let down my mates in either of them. That just feels bad. “Sorry couldn’t save your life I’m not kyrian. Had to go night fae for raid to meet a dps check by buffing the top dps groups damage by 10%”

I think not wanting to pay for something is a bit of a petty reason to change a system. I mean I know people that don’t want to pay for armor repairs but think that would be silly to remove as well. Although if its a time cost as the person said below you I could see that as a problem provided there isn’t something inside the soulbind system that lets you make your skills work just as well in that situation as another covenant would.

How is it not possible? Pick the covenant that fits your playstyle. Design strategies with your choice in mind that highlights its strengths and mitigates its weaknesses. Execute those strategies.

I thought we wanted this game to be about skill?

So instead of trying to move away from meta or fotm focused content we should cater to it harder? Fun…

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Nothing they have done in this expansion gives me any reason to suspect there will be anything the comes close to balancing it. Otherwise there wouldn’t be issues like needing to 3 stack azerite traits because others would be so close it doesn’t matter. Or needing certain essences or certain corruption.

The precident is that these things are not close to each other at all

Design strategies around having an ability that will do -10% DPS in raid compared to your co-(class) because they picked a different ability

Wake up.


This is giving way too much credit to what these spells do. They are for the most part an extra throughput cooldown. It’s just a “press this button when it shines the most” situation for almost all covenant spells. There’s no “strategy” to design around to “mitigates its weaknesses”. If the spell is weak in a situation, it will simply not be used.

Like I’ve explained earlier the utility won’t be the same even if the dps is close enough. You can’t compare massgrip to anything, it’s litteraly one of the most broken ability in the game and it’s a covenant ability for dks.

Also the armor repair cost isn’t even comparable, people have paid more than thousands of gold for one respec of azerith gear and personnaly just having to go to a particuliar place to have to switch is annoying enough.


I can’t agree more with this statement, although I think we have to admit we can never really get rid of a meta system. Even before WoW become more like an ARPG looter game there was a small meta feel to it. With the game becoming more like an ARPG and less like an MMo those meta tendancies will just get stronger so unless they start to backtrack that. We can never really hope to see a shift away from all the meta crap.

My playstyle? Multiple specs over multiple types of content isn’t going to have A playstyle.

Picking good tools and straterizing how to use them is a skill. Losing to someone in pvp because they have the good pvp covenant and you don’t isn’t a skill