Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

This is fact ! all Rpgs have done this even Blizzard.

Not sure why this is hard to understand

Please provide evidence of this ā€œfactā€.

Please provide one example in WoW of locking you into something that canā€™t be changed.

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Oh so the unofficial loony bin thread

Ok SL -Covenants

what now ?

Previous to SL :joy:

Whats this Dark vader changing the deal ?

BFA- Azerite armor would be another- your traits where suppose to be permanent

You mean how Blizzard has let you change specs and talents?

Or how they let you change your race?

Or how tier set bonuses changed when you switched specs?

It absolutely is. Because right now, this is forcing the community to achieve ā€œmetaā€ builds which means everyone has to follow suit. If blizzard actually BALANCED any of these things, people could go with different builds. This would have to be in a world where the difference between the top dps build is not significant compared to the bottom dps build.

Also, I made this argument the other day but I got no replies: Why isnā€™t this inclusive to class? Why arenā€™t people just playing the top dps specs if all they care about is ā€œbeing optimalā€?

Edit: Furthermore, should blizzard just scratch the race and class system? Make a talent system like skyrim and let people build archetypes/optimal builds. That would really be the solution to this problem. I donā€™t want it, personally.

FFXIV is an MMORPG - they let players change their class/spec on a single character.

Yes you had like 50+ talents in classic every time you changed i your spec you had to start all over re-leveling your weapon skill and had an increasing cost pretty much locking you in your spec

Now imagine if the current talent point system was permanent you had to actually choose what you want to specialize with not " Ah I can change anytime I want"

No they donā€™t.

You admit it yourself.

Players donā€™t have to follow suit - thatā€™s why people play all classes and specs.

Thatā€™s why giving players choice and agency by allowing them to switch covenants doesnā€™t take anything away from Casual/RP players like myself.

We gain nothing for having them be restricted, and lose nothing for having them be swappable.


FF14 also has a profession system that matters , ahousing system, a marriage system. That game is more casual ,more RPG and less designed around try hards than wow

They have to follow suit for any competitive content, even though the content can be cleared without following suit. Iā€™m trying to address that there are people making this argument that play lesser dps specs when they can be playing more optimally. Why? Why is OP playing a resto shaman and not a MW monk or a holy paladin? Why are people playing fury warriors and not fire mages?

You think you want balanced abilities and non feel bad aesthetic only choices but you donā€™t

Iā€™m a little fuzzy on your position.

Are you for having flexibility with the covenants or against flexibility?

Against. But I want them to balance it as best as they can. Iā€™d also want blizzard to balance all specs across the board and their talents, and then institute a system where you canā€™t easily change talents.

The covenants will never be balanced, itā€™s literally impossible. Have you not read them or do you just not understand how the game works? No shade if you donā€™t


So as a Casual/RP player - having a flexible system doesnā€™t impact me. So I donā€™t mind them being flexible, especially if other players will enjoy the game more as a result.

Why donā€™t you want them to be easily changed? What impact would it have on you?

Because meta builds become a thing and are thus enforced by the community. I.e. I wonā€™t be able to mythic raid if Iā€™m running a talent that sims for less because Iā€™ll be blamed that my difference in damage is why we could be wiping, even though itā€™s not the issue at all. The community constructs meta builds to be played in any type of content that isnā€™t casual and itā€™s sucky because less optimal builds are sometimes more fun to play and bring character identity. Every ele shaman on one raid fight is essentially the same, because blizzard has done such a bad job at bringing about different possible builds.

I want different builds to be viable. It seems like blizzard just adds stuff in, we sim the talents to find the best talent build, and the rest is history.

Edit: What Iā€™m saying is that I want blizzard to balance it such that if one ele build is 1-5% difference in damage than the optimal one, the difference isnā€™t going to make or break a kill on a mythic boss. I mean if EVERYONE is taking the worst build for their spec, then maybe, but statistically that wonā€™t really happen. Obviously Iā€™d expect world first raiders to take the best builds, weighing all factors, but for people just progging it shouldnā€™t matter unless ALL you care about is killing the boss.

I can understand your frustration - and agree that it would be nice if the differences across classes/specs/etc. were balanced well so that just about any combination was viable.

That being said - the idea of having a ā€œmetaā€ for competitive content isnā€™t new, even to video games. Thereā€™s a reason why 99% of basketball players are tall and why 99% of gymnasts are short.

The great thing about a video game is that while real life doesnā€™t allow you to change characteristics like height - you can change those things in the game to be competitive if you want.

And as Iā€™ve stated before - casual/RP players lose nothing for the existence of a flexible system being in active.

RIght now there are ā€œmetaā€ builds for raids and M+ - and my life isnā€™t impacted. I can still run the fun content I want as an RP/Casual. If I change my mind and want to start playing more competitively - Iā€™d have that option/choice.

Having something like covenants be restrictive would remove that option/choice.

While balance is nice in theory - when the game has so many kinds of content across 30+ specs and 3 rolesā€¦ I just donā€™t think itā€™s even reasonable to EXPECT balance. Seems like an impossibility given the vast number of combinations and differences.