Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Ok J.A. Brack Junior

Please have a read.

Ahh another sweet summer child thinking anything will be balanced and fun… I bet you pre ordered BFA

Meta builds would still be a thing with covenants being restricted. The big difference is that you wouldn’t have the choice to change things up if you wanted.

Your ability to Mythic raid would actually be worse, not better, with a restrictive system.

I don’t. This is exactly why I want the spells to be untied. There is no way they can balance them, so allowing everyone to pick the one they want whenever is a good solution.

Do you not read?

Ok let’s go with a paladin as an example. How do you balance this.
Divine toll or the seasons one. Those are the two best atm.
How do you propose they balance 5 holy shocks a minute against buffing my entire parties dps for important burn phases or hps for important healing phases?
It’s not possible.
Then how do you balance the venthir teleport with the other abilities like kyrian heal or necro Lord shield? They are not even comparable.

This is a headache they do not need to make themselves. It’s impossible to balance and time they spend trying is time they don’t spend doing other things.

If they were swappable then people who want to stick with one for rp reasons etc can and other people don’t have to. They could make the armour set locked behind sticking with one but there should not be this much player power behind it.

What happens 3 weeks in when they realise the paladin summer buff is too strong and nerf it like they did with echoing void? Now I’m just put of luck and need to grind up another one?


Really anyone who thinks this isn’t a risk factor if they go ahead with their planned system clearly hasn’t been paying attention this expansion.


I mean I do read but apparently you do not. Either that or the satire/sarcasm went right over your little goblin head

What’s silly is how you think anything that provides player power is a “choice” when no, it really isn’t.

Want meaningful choices? Demand blizzard to give you more agency in the narrative. Covenants would have been a great way to do this until they decided to add player power into that choice. So we go from getting to pick out of 4 choices, to now being stuck picking the 1 choice that doesn’t become a detriment to my gameplay performance.

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In the original Vanilla you could get away with this system because it wasn’t all mathematically formulated and ruled over by min maxers. (they where there, just not in a large number) But now a days min maxers are the norm and everyone is judged by top level standards.

This covenant system is frankly bad considering the player climate. They are building a trap that will divide the playerbase into those who care about design vs those who care about numbers. Those that care about design don’t pick on others. Those that care about numbers judge everyone especially when you back them into corners with timers, hard mechanic’s and a fight for objectives.

Blizzard is basically following the guidebook on how to build a toxic cranky player base to a T. Blizzard has a bad habit of linking “meaningful choices” across schools of play styles. There is nothing wrong with “meaningful choices” if they are in the same wheelhouse. For instance the choice between 2 dps options is fine. But with covenants they are crossing that choice with design and that’s where the system lacks.

Go away then. Provide constructive criticism or keep your bs satire for yourself, we want a good game here.

I’d rather we be able to “level up” every covenant and each would unlock a talent in a new row.
The cosmetics/pets/mounts should be just for the main covenant though.

Correction. You want a game that fits your playstyle. Not everyone will agree.

Real talk. You 100% are not a good enough player that covenants will have more impact on your performance over the mistakes you already make in positioning, cd usage, rotation, and theory-crafting. No one is.

Regardless of how tight the balance is, and they’ve already told you they are trying, and will abandon if they have to, it matters less that class/ spec ever has.

But I get it. If you need a scapegoat to blame or want to raid log/ fotm reroll with impunity, covenants are “bad.”

Some of us would prefer they try something interesting, even if they fail because we don’t want WoD again.

Each one has a main thing in mind pvp or pve just pick the one you like doing most in game not a big deal at all.

Yes, Various Convent abilities 100% need to be a talent that you can change anytime. We should only choose a covenant based on looks.

This is madness, and if blizzard doesn’t allow us to switch Between any covenant ability like switching a talent in a row then I don’t see myself playing shadowlands.


Spoiler, you aren’t going to get it in Shadowlands

Yes, various classes/ spec abilities need 100% to be a talent that you can change anytime. Picking a class/ race/ spec should be cosmetic only.

It is madness. If blizzard doesn’t let me switch between any class/ spec instantly then this game will never be about “skill.”

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I like to do more than 1 branch of end game though… Also sometimes I like to play off specs and that can be different too.

Do I now need multiple of a class in order to play that class fully? If thats what they are going for then I don’t like it.

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Covenants don’t provide a whole playstyle. They add something on top of the existing class. I can switch class if I dislike something gameplay wise.

That doesn’t make the system good however.

See this post The "Meaningful Choice" Fallacy. I love it since I don’t even have to explain anything now, this post summarizes everything perfectly!

Summarizes what? His opinion? And?

Do we ban any dps that don’t play fire/ destro/ dh/ bm? Every Enh Sham is clearly a troll right. Same for feral. Every resto shaman should be /ignored.

Half the races are suboptimal, do you kick any x or y race from your guild because anyone not playing z is inting?

Sounds like the real solution, is to remove races, specs, classes, talents and gear. Give everyone the same 6 abilities with different colors. Warlocks get green fire, mages get red, Warriors angrier fire, but do it wearing plate. But plate armor provides no actual benefit, its only cosmetic.

That would be a “fun” game that could be all about “skill” and balance.

Good lord what are you even talking about

This is a thread about making the Covenant system more flexible to allow more agency for players.

It’s been made very clear that locking your character on a Covenant ends up not being an actual choice. You’ll be pressured into picking the best one for the content you do.

There are people who say that it is a choice for them regardless of those players pressured into picking X or Y, which is correct, we can’t just pretend these players don’t exist (and we are not). However, these people are not affected in any way whatsoever if the Covenant system is made more flexible to allow abilities being swapped or whatever.

He is making observations and offering potential solutions to those observations. Have you read the thread?

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