Could you please allow us to purchase the Brutosaur mount

You put your vote towards A - I put my vote towards B. It should be removed from the BMAH completely and forever.

There, now we’re at a neutral No <3


There’s a DPS/healing buff from brutosaur? Tell us more

It’s cute that you think that’s some sort of point. Simp harder.

I know there’s no way you can possibly be THAT much of a brownnose, so why do you put up this act? Nobody even believes it anymore.


It was removed because of FOTM. They wanted to boost token sales and I’m sure it worked. Imagine trying to earn 5 million gold now with so many avenues nerfed. At the end of the day it only matters if you are enjoying and actively playing the game.


So many immature people in this post, I would believe it if someone told me they were all 10 year olds. Seriously grow up, the petty arguments is a bit much.

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To purchase the bruto at an average of 200k per token, you’d need 25 tokens or $500.

I doubt that that was the reason

FOMO is a perfectly good strategy to get people back into the game and doing a specific activity. There was a ton of youtube content made about the bruto, community revolved around how to make as much gold as possible.

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It was exclusive, and the developers said this, so no. You don’t need everything that everybody else has, just saying. You can take up engineering to get everything that the Brutasaur has including the AH, if you make the AH in your garrison, then hearth.

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Pay 2 win items generally provide some kind of DPS buff, health buffs, healing etc etc

So please tell us how you can get better parses with a mount

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IDK, I’ve made 7.5mil gold since buying the bruto, and I don’t farm gold or mats or craft as a main activity. Most of that was selling the stuff I got passively or the boe mog that I’ve accumulated over the years of playing that just sat around until I had a convenient way of auctioning from wherever.

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Yeah I don’t understand your point here - How is a mount pay to win?

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Yeah, it’s so exclusive it was removed from the vendor with the intention of putting it into gambling loot boxes the BMAH. It’s still obtainable in the game, so your “exclusive” argument is completely unfounded.

OP is just asking for it to be made easier to obtain it. My suggestion is to put it on vendor for gold cap and be done with it.

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That is all that people do in this forums. Complain, cry, throw temper tantrums, or flag your post if you ever say something positive about the game.


Did you just jump into this thread to complain about everyone in it, board cop?


OP was asking for special dispensation, just saying. The entitlement is getting was out of hand within this game.

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You have an avenue to convert real world dollars into a massive reward/payoff in game. In this case an on demand auction house.

You are paying to win.

There are more goals in the game than parsing, and your either abusing semantics to choose definitions for ‘Win’ other than whatever the person saying it’s pay to win is, or choosing to be willfully ignorant of what paying and winning is.

I’m not arguing. If some moron thinks that paying 400 dollars of real money for a portable auction house is worth it then they deserve that mount, and to be called a moron. It’s also undeniably paying to reach a goal instead of accomplishing that goal through his own in game machinations.

Be better than that, and smarter too.

If you’re not, then enjoy that mount, and my ridicule… because that’s what ridiculous means: to be worthy of ridicule.

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$500 to have… a vendor? A hearthstone does the same thing, I have mine at stormwind. Infact my hearthstone lets me use a bank AND an AH AND a Mailbox too.

Except everyone gets one of those

Edit: Also the majority of people earned the gold through the auction house. I doubt people actually spent $500 to get it

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It’s a video game…

Do you have any concerns with my suggestion? Putting it on vendor for gold cap?

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Yes, it is just a game people. The BMAH was created for this type of thing too.

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So what exactly is your concern with putting it on the vendor for gold cap?

I already answered that, however, it was edited, and you probably didn’t see it.