Could we please just take a moment to talk about moongaurd

Moonguard is the best server, the perfect server


Never. Never. Never. Have I ever been kicked from a LFG/LFR/PVP for being from Moonguard. I think this happens in like once a blue moon, happens too rarely mostly because no one cares where you are from. They just want you to shut up and rush whatever instance in it.

I think maybe once or twice maining my Hunter in the last 9 years has anyone ever whined about me being in Moonguard. Most of it is just fear mongering or overreaction from one person it happened to.

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It’s like going up to New York to hang around in the slums and then base the entire city around a couple of hobos trying to stab you for drug money.

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Compared to Goldshire I’d call it tame. But still wild enough for any respectable Horde.

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Moonguard is a great server. While yes the inn is pretty bad, you don’t have to go there. The community is very friendly and the people that play on that server are on all the time. It reminds me of vanilla wow community. It the type of seever, were you can be chilling until you are turned into a rabbit and chased by gnomes into a horde demon hunter who jumps you. Afterwards you are instantly invited to a guild m+ and wispered by your friend to do some BGs. My point is, it’s very active with moderate downtime. Most servers are boring while MG is full of life.

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I for one would love for you to show me around haha, your posts are always such a delight to read. :+1:


Yep, Trade chat gets absolutely vile on a regular basis.

I am barely in the cities so never really noticed Trades.

LFG chat can get pretty nasty at certain hours (With one extremely regular racist I have blocked on most toons). but at most it can be nice these days, just to have something to look at when questing, keeps me less bored.

I think it would be fascinating to actually understand the real genesis of how goldshire became goldshire. Like who are the first two to lay claim to that inn. How did the word spread that that was the place to go?
You could do a Ted talk on it…


So explain something to me, OP. Why are most of these anti-Moonguard threads posted on characters not on Moonguard? What’s it to you? Did you do some sex tourism and get weirded out or something?


Famed for gold shire but I moved around a bit with a test char and rp and community wise it seems a nice place.

Worth checking out for some maybe. Unless. A low level human only time you need to be there (goldshire). is the dark Faire. Take the teleport in storm wind and she drops you off at the entrance even.

Inn you do not have to see if you don’t want too.

My pings better there even…it’s just I Am not sure if I want to spend money to token a char gold there.

I am on oceanic servers so a for real mg server char would be a cold start besides looms. I’ve grown accustomed to the 120’s shipping alts gold/items.

What’s the Horde equivalent of Goldshire? Asking for a friend’s friend.

“like I wasnt even aware of what went down at goldshire…”

umm excuse me, but do you really expect us to believe that?

There isn’t one. Horde are fine upstanding citizens. We have pride. We don’t strip down and dance on mailboxes.

shows what you know…may be a good thing.

They dance on the tables and bar at the inn.

Or so says some guy I know, yeah some other guy. Who is not me.

Is preversion that thing before postversion?

Also Moon Guard’s Goldshire.

IIRC the closest thing is actually WRA Silvermoon? Like the Tavern left of the main entrance? It’s never been anywhere near the same scale though.


No. Next question.

nice guild name btw

Imagine being a brand new player and just picking moonguard at random getting to goldshire and experiencing…
