Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Hi Kaledin, Do you want to open the same topic in General Discussion? There is a lot more people over there and I think it will get a lot more attention! :slight_smile:

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There are already a bunch of threads doing that. Was hoping to just get answer from Blizz not continue the debate but that failed.

Yes lol. To be honest, this Premade vs Pugs debate, is like two favourite elder brothers fighting, and the most useful thing is calling for Dad :man_technologist:

I am not impressed with the way Blizz manage their contents. Sure, I like the new flashy content but Blizz always failed to look after them once expansion is over. Not just PvP, take Shattrath for example, which is now a ghost town. The whole game world is supposed to be a vibrant and active place. I recall you are a long-time WoW veteran. Was Blizz like this before?

This is why it’s best to let the Judge (Blizz) do the work :judge: :slight_smile:

Btw, it is unexpected to find the lack of participation from Premade supporters. I was expecting to see a lot more here considering how strongly people supported the legitimacy of the Premade action.

Remember, the legitimacy of Premade’s action is only determined once the Judge passes the ruling.

Please don’t be discouraged and stay strong :muscle:. This is as expected and the reason why people call for action. Btw, getting no response is an answer too.

Btw, I also just got into X. Looking forward to seeing WoW Dev’s reaction (or lack of) to some incoming tough questions. Either way, it will be fun!

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I was thinking about this more and here’s another option that might sit well with you. It’s my preferred option assuming blizz won’t do cross faction queues.

Make unrated BGs have two queue options:

  1. solo queue


  1. group queue:
    Anyone in a group gets placed in the group queue and groups are matched vs. other groups. Solos would also be able to opt in to the group queue with a toggle.

I love this idea! :heart:

And just adding to your idea: To incentivise communities to go for the ‘Group Queue’ option, perhaps playing in this mode can earn a new currency/point for their community which could raise their community’s ranking in the new Premade/Community Leaderboard, and unlock new achievements, transmog, pets and mount etc! (I would want new dance emote :stuck_out_tongue: )

Also, some kind of new ranking system for Premade leaders and members (eg Leader’s rank, MVP award, etc) that is only earnable in your new Group-Queue mode.

The communities could get very competitive and this will provide a suitable environment.


Those are really interesting ideas, but I wouldn’t want certain players egos to get even larger than they are. lol

Like I’ve mentioned before if those options were available I’d solo and toggle on group queue probably most of the time if queues weren’t bad. Even groups make the games more fun because people in communities generally know how to play the maps well, and/or they’re willing to try hard. I like strat/tactics and you can only count on that with communities.


Lol, yes. I am not sure if it’s avoidable either way. :smiley: I only hope, by now, any leader who is smart enough would know very well that his/her achievements are mostly due to their good team, and he/she is just part of the team.

With the group queue, how would the queuing process work in your view? Would this be similar to LFR and maybe with a waiting lounge, where solo queuers could figure out who the others are, and maybe do some pre-battle planning before the game starts?


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I feel like this is a major exploit and it sucks because at end of the day I like to just que epic battlegrounds for fun. So now I’m left with regular battlegrounds and rated and it’s just not same fun same experience to doing AV or the others. It’s more fun going into epic battlegrounds with bunch randoms cause the unknown what’s going happen or how skill others are. But now it’s bunch of elites stomping everyone into the ground over and over. =( I can’t imagine how a new player feels trying do pvp just lose over and over to feel like there only end game going be PvE. Feels bad man feels bad.

From a mathematical point of view:

  • Community 1: 1,500 players
  • Community 2: 2,000 players
  • Community 3: 2,000 players
  • … and so on


  • 25 players
  • 35 players
  • 20 players
  • … and so on

Take note: I support fair competition and have sent feedback to address one-sided games. But from a quantitative perspective, who would you support? The majority or the minority?

Are pugs the minority now? It’s not always obvious, but they might be.

Who’s to say syncers won’t sync as solo queues? If they do, it’ll be a waste of developer time in the end.

The problem is that we don’t have enough people doing battlegrounds. You’ll find yourself fighting “August” and her friends 6 times in a row. If more people played, the likelihood of facing the same group repeatedly would be much lower. On top of that, the people left in battlegrounds who still play are more experienced veterans than most, where you’d face people with honor levels of 1k-2k on a normal day—not just once or twice. That’s just crazy.

If pugs are the minority now, that means premade raids drove most of them away.

I don’t know if we should be catering to the people who drove everyone else away.

Premade raids drive players away from PvP. The remaining players face premade raids even more frequently.


Are these groups following the group size limits because just fyi that’s how the game works now… the problem is the exploiting. I don’t want solo only because I play with friends as well and I don’t want to have to deal with sync cheaters while playing with my friends.

Because they have been chased away from the game mode by sync cheaters.

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i am a pug and i unsubbed 2 1/2 months ago citing ebg que syncs as the reason why. so last night i came back to prep for expansion and low and behold, i faced the same premade repeatedly last night and was unable to even do the daily on a single char. so lame.


Lmao I’ll pass on that.

These bgs are to busted on a design level to have that many rewards tied to them.

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Bad comparison is bad. Most people have probably joined premades to get carried.

And also the part about premade being 1000s of players is a lie as well. It’s usually just the same 40-60 regulars that make up the whole premade.

Everybody else is either perma offline or doesn’t participate.


That is the sad reality.

Well, you took it out of context. Who would the developers support? Not who should players support.

They should support their design for the game mode. It has been stated that their design and want is for random bgs to not be premades and that those should go to rated. As such they are not supporting their own plans and that is what they should support.

If they want it to be premades, then allow raid queueing. As they have stated they don’t, implement fixes to block raid queueing via sync and drop.

I doubt they would ever simply provide a ‘ruling’ on this as it would be a lose-lose for them to do so. Those who care about this should be pushing for cross-faction, it is both the most elegant solution and the one they are most likely to actually implement (imo)

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We are in other forums. Cross faction queueing and an escalating queue drop penalty after 2 or 3 in a day. In the meantime others are pushing back against it. Asking for a ruling is just to clarify things and end debates with people who are trying to defend the practice.

Hitting from all sides if you will.