Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Cross faction is not the answer BG blitz is proof of that. Only reason sync people say that is because they know they could still sync. Punishment is the only answer.

Syncing is pretty rare in blitz actually.

Will become even more so next xpac

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This will likely require multiple things to solve. Cross queue would decrese queue times by balancing population in pvp queues. I still think a queue drop penalty is the best way to go.

Saw the other thread in Customer Support got shut down/locked, not moved like this one.

I have a feeling this is considered answered by Blizz, folks. Though, if anyone has any info on addons being used I’d send it in to But, I am pretty certain Blizz is okay with groups counting down to zero and pressing Q together.

Okay, now, going to solo Q up. Have fun y’all.

The person who posted it locked it actually. They realized this one already happened and said they would lock it.

Just shows Blizzard really has fallen off on engagement though. Sucks.

Once yes…the issue is the drop requeue rinse and repeat…and everything else that has already been said. The circular nature of these threads is ridiculous.

I hear ya Kaledin. I’m not certain there is much else that can be done. Maybe keep a thread or two going, submit feedback often. They are probably aware of the issue and have made an internal decision, even if that decision is to leave it be.

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Just keep making noise till the ROI to deal with it makes sense for them I think. I feel like a queue drop penalty makes sense on all sorts of fronts…give it a 3 drop leeway and nobody feels it but people causing trouble.

Fingers crossed they re-engage at some point. lots of changes with them recently so who knows

One of the biggest sync queue leaders admitted they do it and they do it extremally easily. I have been playing them sense they came out and it’s almost constant losses at this point. They are 100% syncing it and often. They just deny it because they want to be able to in TWW

It is going to require multiple partial fixes to lower the return for them enough to get rid of it enough to make it not disruptive. Start at the lowest hanging fruit…ie the lowest cost to current players. Even if it doesn’t work to completely stomp it out, lowering it a bunch is good.

We can’t let perfect be the enemy of good here. Clean it up, even a bit, is a good thing.

Not asking for perfect… asking for blizzard to enforce their own TOS

We are talking about how to do that. You know you can agree with people on occasion. It seems like no matter what people say you can’t just agree evenwhen they are on your side of a debate.

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Well banning people overly abusing an exploit would be a start.

Lol, the design of BGs (Epic BG included) and even the game itself is already broken anyway. It should be more than obvious by now that there is no perfect solution, and we must all learn to deal with compromises.

Also, this is only my personal opinion that it’s highly unlikely that Blizz will dirty their hands with this Premade situation - like Leepxy said above, it’s a lose-lose situation for Blizz. It’s clear that they don’t think ‘good player experience’ equates to profit and therefore is at the bottom of the priority list.

Maybe the new Xpac will bring miracles if you still have faith in Blizz.

I think any options that could help ‘minimise’ the conflicts of interest between Premade and Pugs should be considered.

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I mean blizzard has built up a community on this game that is used to accepting less and less quality.

So those people will stay but any potential new players or people thinking about getting back into it will hear from reviews and people who have played it that its not worth it.

So idk who thought the business decision of making player experience bottom of the barrel was a good idea but its probably not.

You are on a subscription based game not a 1 time purchase like some other companies try to do where they market perfection and release garbage and wont give you a refund for not getting what was advertised. Blizzard cant do that unless they manage to bait somebody into the 6 month sub.

Blizz will 100% assure you that ‘player experience’ is at the absolute top of the priority list, but have we seen their action matches their words?

Hopefully now under Microsoft, the management & culture adjustment might change this in a direction that benefits us players, if we are lucky.

Speaking of new players, I am not sure how much fresh blood there actually is. Spoke to my young cousins recently and, hardly anyone in their schools plays WoW. The game is considered old (and dated) now in their generation. It would be interesting to see if this is different elsewhere.

One thing that could be done now: if a queue sync premade finds themselves vs a pug, they could voluntarily play with a handicap like unequipping pieces of gear or forgoing consumable usage to the point where the match seems competitive. The premade team gets to play with whoever they want and do whatever strategies they want, and both teams get more time/space to actually practice pvp.

They could even lose games “on purpose” by playing with such a severe handicap as a gesture of goodwill toward the pug teams.

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It’s been 20 years, and no one outside their team knows their plan. From a business and development point of view, it might go like this: “Okay, we’ll see what our players do with this and run with it. More players are playing in communities? Okay, let’s support that. Now we need to devote some development time to this since it’s doing ‘X’.” I’m betting more developers are tied up with TWW and there is no dedicated PvP battleground team at all.

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Assume you genuinely mean your words, because I think ‘goodwill’ is rarely viewed as a virtue on these forums. :sweat_smile:

Anyway… I like your idea and approach~! Because there is something to gain for both sides. It’s just that I’m not sure if Premade would want to lose the game on purpose. Maybe, they might if there is something to gain?

I am sure you know too that the real challenge is to get all Premades to support this idea, and also the problem with enforceability.

I have a feeling that most Premades do know that what they are doing is a grey-area matter but will continue anyway since Blizz hasn’t intervened. What would incentivize Premades to come to the table and discuss, is an interesting question to think about.

I don’t mean they should intentionally lose by playing badly. I just think they should see how far they can reduce their ilvl/consumables while still pulling off a win. Eventually there will be some uncertainty in the outcome of the matches, and the pug teams can end up winning some these.

Well it would 100% be voluntary. If a premade raid leader decides to do it they could enforce it on their members by doing gear checks etc. If they play vs another community they can use full gear and try as hard as they want.

They will gain the respect of the pug players and avoid driving them away from epic bgs, which is important because pug players do make up the majority of their opponents. And the pvp practice they get in these matches will be more valuable mechanically than one in which the premade raid runs over the pug team instantly.

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They have been VERY clear that they do not care at all about the game or those playing it. They are it in for the free easy win and that is all.