Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

That’s a terrible analogy. The lions aren’t unimpressive…they’re just not stupid, lol.

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Agreed. Sports is a better analogy.

The nba finals were not a balanced match, but they played within the rules. That made it fair, even though the Mavs got curb stomped.

Fair != balanced or a good fight. It just means that the rules were applied and nobody went outside of them in this case. Right now it seems like cheating is just allowed, but the rules need clarification on two points.

Is it ever ok to influence match making in a random bg game to get more than 5 friends/teammates onto one side?
More specifically how is queue syncing not cheating?

Queue syncing is an exploit…

This is completely untrue…

another happy consequence of removing half(or more) of the queing players is your special place solo bg times will probably double.

Who is asking for solo bg’s? when your only argument is founded on lies nobody will listen to you. Also, I would gladly wait longer to have a fun fair match rather than dealing with you bottom feeding exploiters.

Are you back to saying blue posts by blizzard employees are not official statements from Blizzard?

Nah, they’d keep sync queuing to avoid other premades. They’d also send in a spy to see who’s on the other team.

If necessary, they’ll sync queue 30+ “solo” players.

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No, I’m saying customer support doesn’t set the rules. These dudes simply work for blizzard they don’t speak for blizzard.

It is literally their job to speak to customers for Blizzard. It’s the definition of their job to answer our questions about the product.

Customer support yes…

So that means they can never be wrong?.. Because the TOS clearly states what sync people are doing is not allowed.

No, that has not been your claim. You have been saying that they don’t speak for Blizzard. They quite literally do. They could be wrong, in which case they need to correct this and clarify through direct communication what is going on. I am in fact saying some of Blizzards communications on this seem wrong, and should be clarified. Right now Blizzard, through their officially assigned public communication employees, has said contradictory things.

Incorrect I have provided the evidence.

Oh hey, another “ban premades” thread.

Can’t get enough of these. Please keep them coming.

But, can we get some new blood, please?? Sick of seeeing the same old complainers complaining. Time to pass the torch to a new generation.

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Oh hey, clearly you didn’t read the post hahaha

What you have multiple times said that they don’t speak for Blizzard.

You are now shifting to they can be wrong. Yeah they can be…and this we have two things from Blizzard and they are contradictory. This is so circular, weird and pointless.

No, you have blizzards TOS and they you have some costumer support dude… I will go with the TOS over costumer support.

anyway op, the answer is a firm “yes” but blizzard doesnt care


You are going with your own interpretation rather than a person assigned by Blizzard to answer these questions. That makes no sense if we want something done by Blizzard. It also actually adds to the idea they need to clarify not detracts from it.

I agree I believe it is wrong and against the COC, but Blizzards last word on it…directly…is we are wrong when it comes to queue syncing. That fact doesn’t really care about what we think. It just is.

Incorrect I am going by the TOS.

That is partially my read as well. The lack of communication nowadays is depressing.