Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Then (if you’re so sure your interpretation is correct), why hasn’t anything been done to change the functionality which is enabling this?

They have shown that they are perfectly willing and capable of breaking/changing functionality when they think it’s a problem.

Given how long people have been asking about this (we have them answering back in 07), and how rampant you claim this is, wouldn’t they have done something about queue and hope at any point in the past 17 years if they agreed? They only thing they’ve done on that specific strategy is explicitly allow it twice.

Just out of curiosity, what is your interpretation when you read this:

If I had to guess, it was because premade raids hid behind all the other players. To prevent premade raids in random bgs, Blizzard would have to make drastic changes to the bg queue system that would have negatively affected all PvPers.

Not necessarily. Allow raids to queue again, and make every effort to only match raids against other raids.

Also, allow BG groups to surrender.

That wouldn’t stop premade raids from continuing to sync queue.

If Blizzard matched premade raids against each other, you’d still have premade raids sync queuing to avoid other premade raids.

This change just legitimizes premade raids in random bgs.

Premade raids should never be matched against a team of random pugs.

After the first team fight, the losing team’s chat will get spammed with “Vote Surrender!” This would probably ruin all bgs as players surrender and go next until they’re on the winning team.

Also, not sure how this fixes the premade raid problem. The game ends and the premade raid (sync) queues up again to roflstomp more pugs. The pugs run into the premade raid again.

I think people on both sides are more interested in if there is going to be punishments for those that are exploiting others.

Where have I ever said alone and solo? I also play with friends. I just don’t exploit to do it.

There are many premades synching on both sides. How do I know? I play with them and I personally run one.

The amount of wildly unimpressive players in this thread asking for raids to be able to que up again is impressive.

The game has just followed the way the world has moved which is more towards the individual and less about groups and premades. So in other words some of you just need to get with the times.

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with only 2 or 3 epic games going at once how much shuffling of groups do you think will happen if a fix is implemented? if its not syncd 5 mans it will still be random 5 man teams who know the epic strategies. 5 solo que 5 man groups is still 25 players who do more than just rush like lemmings to the first team fight.
the problem isn’t “them”.

Yup, lol. It’s the same names every time playing the same broken record.

Well it’s certainly one way to avoid addressing issues, lol. With all these different ways to play WoW, it’s easier to retain customers if they give them options.

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This is before they started the 5 man restriction, so it’s kind of a moot point to reference an 18 year old post that has nothing to do with the question at hand.

But yes, circumventing any system in place is an exploit. They probably haven’t acted on it recently ( as they did to get rid of oQueue years ago ) because they don’t have a good solution to fix it. :woman_shrugging:


People only starting rushing objectives when sync teams became a problem… and nobody cares about a group of 5 mans. It’s the exploiting raids that is the problem. You guys can’t cut it in fair combat.

If they do make it premade vs premade only it will die out just like the twinks that wanted to fight only twinks lol

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The world is full of wildly unimpressive people.

Both in game and out.

And just like in real life a lot of said people enjoy fighting below their weight class not at it or certainly not above it. Cause it makes them feel powerful when in reality ofc they are not.

Just the way the food chain works and humans are apes so they are no diferent. A lone soy lion doesn’t mess with the gigachad lone elephant. The elephant is just better than the lion in every measurable way so he would lose instead the lion makes it a 4 or 5v1 cause unimpressive creatures have to resort to groups to become great instead of being great themselves.

Only then do they attack the gigachad elephant once the odds are against him or if that doesn’t work they resort to underhanded tactics like going for babies cause they cant cut it against a real man and a real elephant.

Sometimes the numbers stacking is enough to overcome 1 gigachad person or animal sometimes its not kind of like how reacher handled that prison gang in season 1 they thought they as simple unimpressive thugs could take down reacher being a very impressive 6,5 chad just because they had more numbers… they were wrong.


The number of people arguing about it on the forums disagrees with your idea that we don’t.

We need clear communication and action on this. Without both it will not work.

People arguing something doesn’t change facts.

Again, the TOS is very clear it’s action that needs to happen.

That is why we have a bunch of forums on it. We have been coming up with ways to fix it, but it start with actual communication from Blizzard, which we are not getting.

I think the current simples solution is some form of queue drop delay. so you get 3 queue drops a day with no delay in requeue. Then you get a 15 minute delay, then if you do it again the same day it goes up. So maybe they can get one premade a day for their account before being blocked, but the average player never gets dinged at all.

Lot’s of ideas to try but Blizzard needs to engage first, and that is the real issue. The drop off of Blizzard engagement with the pvp community over the last 5 years.

What exactly in the TOS says you cannot do this specifically? Where does it say you can’t over voice chat coordinate queuing at the same time, then dropping if everyone doesn’t get in? Please quote it.

If it is explicit great. I think you are generalizing and ignoring that they have both said more than 5 people is unfair, but queue syncing is fine (an activity that is only useful to get more than 5 people into a run together).

If you have something from the TOS that explicitly says that is not allowed great. Please show us.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

Mhm seems contradictory.

Every discussion about this topic ends in cognitive dissonance every time.

And people talk about the fact that they mass drop ques upon not getting a sync as just a quaint little thing that doesn’t do any harm but in reality it does a lot of harm. For every que dropped 1 team is starting 10v40 so its an auto loss and the opposing team is deprived of a real match.

Not including the backfillers so you are screwing upwards of anywhere from 80-100 people of both factions every time you do that. Doesn’t matter to them of course.


Yeah the it’s ok to queue sync seems contradictory to me.

Ok you have quoted what cheating is. How does that apply to queue syncing when they have said specifically

The two are incompatible, but they are both official statements from Blizzard. I am at a loss as how you don’t see the COC (fyi this is from the code of conduct not the terms of service, the TOS has a different but similar description of cheating) and the blue posts are not compatible.

Queue syncing fits the label of cheating, but has been ok’d by blizzard. Thats the whole issue right now. It is labeled as both bad by definition of bing unfair, and thus cheating…and has been explicitly ok’s on 2 occasion by Blizzard employees seperated by about 12 years. You keep saying it is not ok, and that Blizzard has said so and ignoring that they ALSO said it was allowed at the level of queue syncing.

To me that means ok to get a few in, but not ok to queue drop…but they haven’t directly said that and it needs cleared up. I think that stinks and both should be labeled cheats based on general fairness of the mode. I hope they over ride their earlier statements and say that…and then actually do something about the cheaters.