Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

still will afk out vs exploitrs those games r a unyoushually big timewaist

Well, you get these anyway with or without premade. But worst are those kill-feeders, they would do anything for efficiency.

i meen i will still afk out wen i see qsink exploitrs idc about penalty i jus want fair games

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This is such an insane thing to say…

Well, when the most common thing to run into is a premade and you lose the first fight with zero chance of winning it’s simply logical to assume it’s a premade and not waste your time.

Would be better to get rid of those ruining the game for others.

Lol, at least AFKers and Leavers aren’t directly working against the team that is still trying.
God, I hate those Kill-Feeders :rage:

Because this is an insane situation Blizz put us in. Please note that I said ‘most’ and not ‘all’.

I know you dislike Premade, and I acknowledge and respect that, assuming you genuinely enjoy Epic BG as well. I only think the best way to address the conflict between Premade and Pugs is to identify the causes and not get entangled with the effects which would divert our attention.

[Edit] Changed my wording a little.


That’s a joke. Blizzard does not care about pvpers or lack the skill to care for pvpers.

When premade raids roflstomp random pugs, there will be many people leaving after the first fight, the second fight, etc. It seems like premade raiders enjoy playing in ruined bgs.

Bgs are ruined when one team starts half-empty. Premade raids don’t mind causing that problem either every time they mass drop queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

And most premade raiders don’t want easy wins? And it’s ok when the premade raid decides to win the game super quickly?

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Let’s focus on my statements, please, which is the behaviour of ‘most’ Pug player in Epic BG, especially during the early seasons of an expac.

What premade do or don’t doesn’t change this fact. And maybe it’s the time I queued, or just my bad luck to be grouped with those player types, and I hope things are a lot better now.

If you know of a better time to play that would have less of these people, please let me know.

Also, my statements aren’t trying to justify Premade’s actions. Whether they are right or not, is up to Blizz to decide, not me or any Player.

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I’m sorry but your ideas are actively diverting attention from the problem. Pugs wanting to have a quick win has nothing to do with premades circumventing the desired design of the game to pug smash. They are two completely different issues.

Trying to entangle them is not helping.

Every player has a right to voice their opinions about any decision Blizzard puts forward, or fails to put forward because of lack of communication.

This thread is about issues that are caused by premades. It has nothing to do with pugs also having other issues that you don’t like. Feel free to make a thread about that but right now you are diverting from the premade issue

You think they are unrelated, I respect that, but I don’t think so. I think these pugs issues are deeply related to premade and the situation we are in, therefore must not be treated as separated issues. If this is just ANOTHER thread to blame everything on the Premade, then so be it, but it’s just another echo chamber for venting frustration, and not a discussion to find a solution to move forward. And I wouldn’t be surprised if people are still arguing over this in 2 years time.

Thanks for pointing out and my posts above about Pugs issue only to point out my experiences, however it makes sense to return to the topic, as long as others stay on topic too and no one else comment on my earlier posts to drag me back here for more response (such as yours above). OK?

It’s a good reminder for EVERYONE to stay on topic.

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This is a thread to ask if the premades are exploits, and to discuss fixes for said exploits. Your posts have general come off as posts trying to say that the issue we are discussing is not only on the premades but also on the pugs side. That to me is victim blaming and conflation. You are conflating issues in bgs caused by the players with an issue caused by premade makers and exploiters.

The two are separate, but in the same realm…ie dealing with bgs. This is about premades’s and about the damage they have caused. All the other damages that players might have caused by attitudes dealing with bg unfairness are totally unrelated…just about the same game mode.

Nothing non premade players did caused people to exploit the system to get premade’s going. That is a complete fallacy. People like to get things easy, and that is true across all categories. Systems need to be setup to watch for exploitive behavior because it is so ingrained in human nature to cheat when it is easy.

They are inextricably linked in my case.

I joined a community because I wanted to play with people who wouldn’t just up and leave when the first fight was a loss. If this wasn’t the normal PuG action, then I would still be healing PuG groups.


Wait so you are saying you have the right to form a premade because you had bad times in a bg because people quit? Is that your stance? You just said they are linked so not sure what your point is here.

No, the right comes from the rule:

The reason comes from the pug behavior.

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Oh this again.

1 2 3 click is fine because they can’t stop it. The design is that it is fair to have 5 or more. 1 2 3 click then drop if you don’t get in has never been sanctioned

The idea that any of this matters in the face of unfair groupings and a bad bg experience for anyone not doing this is silly. If they wanted partial bg premades above 5 people you would be able to queue that way.

What do you mean they can’t? Of course they could.

How could you stop people on voice chat synchronizing clicking?

None of that would stop 1 2 3 click.

The first would stop queue dropping.
Second would negate some effects of 1 2 3 click, and queue dropping.
Third would do the same.

None of that would stop 1 2 3 click it would just make it less effective, which is why they said we don’t call that cheating because there is no way to stop it. So their ticketing system doesn’t look at that.

I agree they need to implement at least a queue drop and abandon penalty with rising penalties for increased offenses, but you are wrong, they cannot stop people from 1 2 3 clicking which is exactly what that post was about.

An account wide, stacking, debuff for dropping a queue.

Cross factions, so all groups who queue could end up on either side of the field.

Staggered queue pops, so you wouldn’t be able to tell if you’re in the same instance. They’d have to increase the setup phase time in the actual game to account for this though.

It wasn’t a normal action until sync exploiters became a common occurrence.

Using this out of context quote about something other than what we are actually talking about kind of screams volumes about what kind of people you are.

Yes, it has been, I’ve been playing Battlegrounds since MoP. Pugs dropping for no real reason has been incredibly common for the entire time.