Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

He runs with us :smiley:

Why don’t 40 people randomly thrown together try to out strategize the other team composed of a group with well defined leaders, voice comms, a slew of assignments, and well worn strategies.

Are you listening to yourself here? To be honest, I bet you are, and deep down you know what you’re saying is obtuse but you enjoy the attention of being “contrarian.”

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Just play the way they are forcing you to? Nah, better to blame the people causing the problem and get the bgs to a better place. That is a race to the bottom and turns random bgs into exactly what rated is. I don’t want to have to coordinate like crazy to play…I want the option to drop into a game and have it be fun.


Honestly, there is no reason to queue for a regular BG. Blitz Brawl gives more rewards, is faster to finish, has faster queues times, and you don’t have to deal with premades. Why waste time in a regular BG? Especially when Blizzard obviously doesn’t care enough about it to stop premades.

I want to say something nasty about the personality types who enjoy premade stomping over scrubs, but I’d get reported.

They already know what they are and are probably reaping the consequences in real life outside the game.

Actually, the sync premades are in BG blitz as well.

That’s why we are here instead of in bgs. Trying to get them to care.

Only difference is it won’t matter in Blitz Brawl because of rating. So they’ll be fighting better teams… assuming your premade is good. Sorry, but beating scrubs doesn’t make you a good pvper.

Oh, and another bonus of Blitz Brawl I did not mention is you’ll never join one in progress that is a guaranteed loss.

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This >thread< is supposed to be neutral positioned and directed at Blizz only, and people shouldn’t argue among themselves, it only diffuses the attention and momentum, and in the end, turns this into yet another ‘Premade vs Pug’ thread that people start to ignore.

I don’t think so. If you like, let’s continue this discussion in the official WoW Discord or PM me there. I don’t want to cause more derail to this already-too-long and seemingly unproductive thread, also it’s easier for discussion there.


No need I don’t want to go down that road. The issue is that BGs have problems and blizzard needs to fix them. All the other options about how player should work around it is besides that point. Blizzard needs to re-engage on pvp with their players and fix some major issues for the good of the game. All the rest is irrelevant to that point really. It’s fine to do and push for, but not to the point here.


Yes they do, and Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long for this to happen.


Imagine not having 4 friends to queue with.

That has nothing to do with forming a premade. That is one group. A premade would be 30 plus people all tricking the system to get around the 5 man queue limit.


You’re proving my point.

Apparently I need to clarify that my response (above) was a deeply sarcastic response to this person:

i see what you did there very clever
my old tink/bank guild was called super twink fight union

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Know what ruins the bgs, is people leaving after first fight, so your so called “premades” are mostly people sick of that

thats comical

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If all the epics were not so fragrantly tilted for the first fight it wouldn’t be so common.

Hangar is really the only viable node and it’s incredibly hard to get it after it’s taken especially if the other team has better healers than you cause the gy is so close.

So really your only option is hard turtling.

In ashran who ever wins roc just gets buffed even more when they were already better cause they won the fight with aa healer mana buff and road items.

In wg the stronger team just plows over you even harder with 16 catapults while you probably don’t even have first rank.

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This makes no sense at all. What are you trying to say here? So called premades are mostly people sick of that? Premades are people annoyed with people leaving a fight…because of premades?

Circular logic. Good times.

That’s exactly what it is. They hate that people don’t stay and get camped by there “friends”


The real problem is that most Pugs want quick and easy wins. People leave after losing the first fight not because it’s impossible to win, but only because leaving is more efficient.

A great % of Pug players would instantly leave after they lose the first fight, even when there is no premade! So many Pug players are there for all kinds of reasons except enjoying Epic BG, and efficiency is their top priority.

It is good to see Blizz added the account-wide deserter debuff for Solo-shuffle and Blitz, but would this come to unrated? I hope this will happen, but very unlikely.