Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

I been playing them longer. Sure a few people leave that’s common, but the large amount leaving is because of you sync exploiters. Stop blaming people for not wanting to deal with exploiters. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions for once.

When I started up again in DF, the reason that led me to find a community was because pugs would drop if they lost the first fight, even if there wasn’t a premade on the other side.

That’s it. Nothing more.

As a healer, I want to play with players who try their hardest and stick around to try again.

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Most fights are vs a premade… why are you trying to pretend sync premades aren’t a huge problem?

Then go play the mode made with that type of gameplay in mind… but you instead grief and exploit randoms. The lying is just blatant at this point.

I want to play Epics.

So it isn’t exploiting.

Pedantic sillieness but I will play for a bit.

Show me a blue post where it says queue dropping is ok. You are pushing the blue’s said so it is ok, but only looking at part of the issue.

Queue syncing is not against the rules.
Nothing has been said of repeat drops to try to get in more than a 5 man, except for the 2012 posts about more than 5 teamed up is unfair.

Please find the blue post that says more than a 5 person premade is fair, or not against the rules…or that queue dropping for that purpose is not unfair or against the rules.

Then…realize it doesn’t matter because it is still bad for the game.

So silly.

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All that needs to be said is this:

I get that you don’t like the response, but that’s not my problem, it’s yours.

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No, it doesn’t. I get that it fits what you want so you are defending it but the idea that queue timing is ok, so everything else they do is ok also is pure fiction…also.

ps…I don’t believe you. I fell like this is a straight up lie and the real reason you did it was to roflstomp.

Just own it. You think it is ok to rig games to make them unfair. That’s fine, but don’t act like Blizzard has sanctioned it, or even wants it…and especially don’t act like it is good for the game. It’s so totally disingenuous it’s hilarious.

If you want to play epic bgs and heal a group, fine. Queue with 5 people and stop trying to rig the system. Or, push Blizzard to allow queuing as full or partial raids.

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I don’t care, in the slightest. Your tears aren’t going to stop me from playing within the rules.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

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The biggest problem is Blizzards total lack of community engagement here. They have completely stopped enforcing the rules and stopped engaging on discussions about the rules.

It’s a sad state.

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You keep using these like they mean anything at all. But of course, you guys keep saying “all you do it count down” even though that story has changed like 20 times now.

I 100% agree with this and I hope that we get ANYTHING at the start of or before TWW. I used to love epic bg’s but they are unplayable unless you are in a sync premade and even then, I don’t want to do that because I like fun fair fights where I don’t care if I lose if I had fun playing.

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They mean more than your wishes.

No, they mean nothing at all lol they are from 2007 bud. I doubt that person even works for blizzard anymore. It’s just another pointless excuse you guys use. Plus, blizzards very own TOS proves that incorrect. But clearly you do not care about rules.

The rule hasn’t changed.

The ‘Is This Cheating?’ thread is from 2019.

And Vrakthris still replies on this forum.

Any more ridiculous objections?

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This person does not speak for blizzard nor is he allowed to ignore the TOS.

Ironic HAHA

Blue posts aren’t from Blizzard representatives?

How odd.

So, how would you suppose a ruling would come about, if not via a blue post?

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Representatives is the word you failed to notice there. Again, these people don’t get to deny the TOS.

I think this is the oddest sentence you have ever posted.

They get to advise of the official interpretation of the ToS.

They are the representatives of Blizzard. They would not be allowed to post their personal opinions.

This is so untrue I don’t even need to argue it hahaha these people work FOR blizzard they are not blizzard themselves.

Well, that’s also hilariously untrue.

But anyways I don’t really care to listen to your narcissistic rambling anymore. TOS is very clear. Try reading them.