Could night warrior be a potential hero class?(Spoiler video)

So a DH reskin but with female night elf and whatever is comparable on horde as the only options? Like DH? With warglaives?

Why not simply add the other sex to the DH character creation options?

I KNEW the second i saw the cutscene people would be asking for this literal DH reskin as its own class…

Make one of your obnoxious obsession threads a megathread and stop highjacking Gnomest’s thread.


That’s what I was thinking. The weapons are obvious, but a lot of the jumping around, and throwing, and dashing attacks seemed like a DH. Only issue is NEs seem to be the only ones that can be the night warrior, but they are already half of the DH class.

I would actually love to see night warrior go to NEs and BEs get something functionally different, like we had with pallies and shammies back in vanilla, but they couldn’t possibly handle something like that. The balance, the crying, the complaining. Too much fun to happen.

I’m just imagining a Night warrior class and how OP t could be

Imagine rooting a demon hunter to get some distance, and then they just cast convoke and global you from 30 yards away LOL

That’s pretty much a night warrior

If anything, I see it being a cosmetic effect for Demon Hunters, and that’s about it.

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That could certainly be interesting.

I had hoped that we’d do a ritual to share the night warriors power among many night elves giving them the paladin class… But nothing will come of this.

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Maybe a class skin for demon hunters?

I’d support that.

Unless they come up with some lore for more than just elves to be it, I’d prefer not.

I feel like Tyrande is just unleashing her inner demon hunter here. Her fighting style and powers are almost exactly the same; the only difference is the color of her lasers.

Night warrior would conceptually step on the toes of demon hunters way too much anyway, and we probably don’t need yet another agile melee damage dealer when we’re in desperate need of a ranged hero class – so that hunters can stop claiming a monopoly on all bows and guns – and something that can use mail armor.

Doubtful. Battle mage is destined to be the next class!

Battle mage sounds like it could be a fun concept.

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Really? My first thought on seeing this thread was “Is being a literal punching bag really a class fantasy?”

They want people to tank since there is a shortage. What they realize people rather play the dps spec instead.

That sounds super boring.

Ranged DPS spec isn’t mutually exclusive with a (melee) tank spec

Arcane and death magic needs more rep in the game lol.

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Probably not a class, but it should 100% open the way to class skins, Night Warrior Night Elf Demon Hunters.

Elune Priests with Silver light instead of the typical light, Dark Rangers Blood Elves…etc.

Or just connect it to Night elf Paladins and give Night Elves paladin.


Class skins would be cool. They have lots of potential.