Could night warrior be a potential hero class?(Spoiler video)

Maybe I am just jumping to conclusions or there is something important I don’t know yet, but notice the tattoos. That could be some arcane mage thing for all I know but she is using glaives and melee attacks. To me this comes off like it could be sort of a racial hero class. One we may never actually get to play as. I don’t know if its at all possible blizzard has a class planned this expansion and it may just be getting saved for the second half of the expansion.

Maybe it’s a rebranding of the DH class so that its more accessible for a wider variety of races and an expanded fantasy.



The Next class will be Tinker.

  • There’s already abilities and specializations in game for Tinkers

  • Tinkers don’t require any special lore explanation, they’ve been around since WC3

  • Tinker Island Expedition teams clearly show Healer, Tank, and Ranged DPS.

  • The New Tutorial Island even has a Tinker Character already for their class quest.

Let Significant lore Characters be separate. Blizzard will continue to give us Classes based on WarCraft 3. Just like every other class


it’s just DH but with elune powers.


I would love tinker, but I think the ship sailed for tinkers when bfa passed. If there was ever an expansion where it would have been appropriate to add a tinker class it would be bfa or toward the end of bfa.


They never add classes at the end of the Expansion, and BFA didn’t start off high tech.

Now say an Expansion that’s focused on rebuilding Azeroth.
Or, and Expansion with Gallywix returning as a major villain, both of those would work.

Regardless. Blizzard will come up with a reason to use the Tinker assets they’ve already designed.


God I hope not. I want a Dragon class where you can pick any race as your humanoid form and then get a bunch of dragon-themed abilities. You even get a dragon flight form. Tinker just sounds so boring.


Well. Here is hoping it happens.

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The Night Warrior powers are too OP.

Very Subjective argument you have there.

Objectively speaking, Tinker has the most work put into it, It already has a special NPC dedicated to it on the new Tutorial Island they designed, It already has the foundation of 3 specializations.

Also Objectively speaking, Every class in this game is based on Hero Units from WarCraft 3. There wasn’t a Dragon hero unit in WarCraft 3.

I don’t need a subjective argument or opinion. Logically speaking, Tinkers are next.

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Leather wearing glaive class based on elven lore? This will never happen


Would be a pretty sick idea for a class but I’d rather something that was ranged. Every single new class that was ever introduced has been melee lol.

I feel like a dark ranger class is a more realistic option and it would also be awesome.

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Using those two quotes together, like you have, you can clearly see that I am sharing my opinion. An opinion does not require a phenomenally worded argument. I don’t have one. I don’t like the idea of tinkers, therefore I don’t want them added to the game. It’s an opinion, not an argument.

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Shes not worthy to be sailor moon. Its just that simple. If she decided to depend on Illidan a bit I know he would help her out and get the win. Too bad shes with the useless tree twig

Welp. People can have different opinions form you.

It’s my opinion that they should be added. Because I would like it.

But Opinions are pointless and irrelevant. Facts matter.

Anyone can have an opinion, but the Facts exist regardless.

Okay, I never stated otherwise. You are the one who got defensive over me saying I would rather have a dragon-related class.

There aren’t really any facts relevant to the matter. Nothing has been announced or even hint at a playable tinker class in WoW.

Night Elf DH’s should get it as an appearance skin. I don’t think there is enough there for a whole class.

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Just play a demon hunter with plot armor and you’re already there.

We’ve had enough damn melee.

I pointed out evidence in the posts above. If you want to dispute that evidence, go ahead.

Clearly blizzard has already put development effort towards a new class. even if they haven’t said a new class is coming.

isn’t there a tinker thread up? why you guys hijacking night warrior thread lol