Could night warrior be a potential hero class?(Spoiler video)

I wouldn’t hate a “skin” for demon hunters to let other races play it but I hope that Tinker and Dragonsworn never see the light of day.

At most it could potentially be a new spec for DH, not a full class. Lore-wise the Blood Elf equivalent could wield the Light (with some kind of lore explanation for why that works) even though gameplay-wise it would be identical.

It’s tied to Elune pretty specifically, who is revered solely by Night Elves.

I suppose Night Warrior could be made available to Tauren following Mu’sha, as a counterpoint to Sunwalkers, but all in all, no - I don’t think this is a good candidate for Hero Class treatment.

For one, I think we’re being shown that it was an expensive mistake.

For another, Hero Classes tend to be aimed at a particular threat (Death Knights for the Scourge, Demon Hunters for the Burning Legion) by a “fight fire with fire” approach.

Unless we are fighting the Night next, I don’t see it.

Depends, class skins should only work where lore is friendly with it. Last thing we would need is void/fel paladins running around or say holy demon hunters.

Why would you want to be a night warrior, you would lose your power at the last minute when you need it the most?

Gotta borrowed power. Amirite?

She just went OoM actually. She didn’t know how to manage mana with it right.

I hope not. I’m tired of melee hero classes. Could we get a hero ranged class for once?

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Sure, but after we get that battle-mage class :stuck_out_tongue:

Archdruid, Shadow hunter…I mean, anything besides another melee hero.

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archdruid is just a druid, shadow hunter is pretty much a shadow priest that uses bows?

Still ranged :slight_smile:

yes, sure
if you die after using your major cooldown
I dont see a problem

Then I think tinkerer’s would suit you, still battle-mage first :stuck_out_tongue:

So do tinkers.

Does anybody actually want a Tinker?

I mean, it’s just Engineering made into a class, and that kind of removes flavor from the profession.

No, it can’t.

Not only do I think its the most likely, I personally do want it.

It’s a space in the class roster that isn’t fulfilled by other classes.

Actually there were Rogues in WC3.

Additionally, the Warden hero was originally called Assassin in alpha TFT.

Boy i sure hope not.