How is this clear? The last time Ion talked about a new class, he said that right now balancing the 36 specs that are currently in the game are a higher priority than creating a new class.
Honestly, after seeing Tryande with the white brands I kind of felt a bit of jealousy. I want to be a Elune “cleansed” DH
No. They just used it to get night elves excited about other classes, especially demon hunters.
I would like to be a warrior 24/7 not only in the night , thanks
There is in game lore that would back this. The dragon aspects have lost their powers so dragonkin now have to earn their keep as mortals do in the world.
I don’t think so. The tattoos are representing Elune’s blessing, probably going to be night elf customization at some point (i hope so).
Would love a night warrior class, but I doughty it would happen. Maybe a spec or Taliesin’s idea of class skins would be cool too.
I Didn’t find one.
It is clear in the fact that we got Island expedition teams, complete with abilities and level requirements. We got 3 specializations for these NPCS. And we got an entirely new tutorial zone complete with class quests for every class. But one NPC doesn’t give the players a class quest, because he is unlike any of the existing classes. Clearly a Tinker
Fundamentally, If Tinkers AREN’T The next class, then that means blizzard wasted a substantial amount of effort on something the players will never see.
If I know blizzard, I know that they will push new content on to players once they’ve developed it, regardless of how well received that content will be. And I also know that Blizzard loves reusing assets in modern design.
So If a bunch of unused, player assets are sitting around, complete with a theme and fantasy this is unlike any existing classes, and NPCs ready to interact with that specific class. What does that tell you?
Fair enough. I clicked your profile to find one of the threads you started, but it’s hidden away by your posts about tinkers in every other thread. and I’m too lazy to scroll.
It really is bizarre. In addition to spamming tinkerer threads they also feel the need to hijack other threads to continue to spam the tinkerer nonsense and then incite arguments with anyone who disagrees with it.
It’s basically a cult at this point.
Everything you said here is based off of assumptions though. I would hardly consider an Island expedition team and an NPC on Exile’s Reach evidence that there will be playable tinkers.
You could be a little less condescending.
There were no Rogues in WC3. There were barely Warriors. Saying that Monks were in WC3 just because some rando quest NPC might have been one is the biggest of stretches. There are no tinkers, just an abundance of steampunk gnomes mucking up the fantasy setting with some technology.
There are lots of assets in the game that never get used any further, projects start and die partway through. There are incomplete gear sets while NPC’s walk around wearing the missing pieces.
Some assets in game being in place likely increases the probability that Tinker could be a class, but it doesn’t make it anything near a certainty, especially if another class fits the theme of future content better. Maybe we will see Blood Mages, Liches or Shadow Hunters. Maybe we’ll just see more specs added to classes rather than new classes.
Who knows? Nobody on the general forums, thats for sure.
I do think this is a bad place for a dedicated tinker discussion. Someone could create a thread.
It’s just the other team of writers telling the BFA writers the Night Warrior was a mistake.
What’s her big ST attack? The choke hold? Gimped DH wolverine jump? High damage low mana
This is true, But as I said above, All classes are BASED on hero units from WarCraft 3.
Several Rogue Abilities in WoW existed beforehand in WarCraft 3, Including Fan Of Knives, Shadow Strike and Shadowstep.
Warriors have Shield Block from the Footmen, as well as Shockwave, Bladestorm, Thunderclap, Stormbolt, and Avatar from Various Hero Units.
This is empirically wrong, and the information is literally a google search away.
The Pandaren Brewmaster WAS a Hero in WarCraft 3. They could Dodge Attacks, Throw Beer, Breathe Fire, and split into Storm, Earth, and Fire.
All of which are Monk Abilities. In WoW.
This is also empirically incorrect.
In WarCraft 3 there was a “Goblin Tinker” Hero unit. That could Tank in a Mech suit, and do damage with Missiles from a range.
You can call it “Mucking up the Fantasy” if you want, but even WarCraft 2 had Oil Rigs, Aircraft, and Firearms.
If you want a boring Fantasy game, go play Final Fantasy, WarCraft has had Technology for almost 20 years now.
You tell me not to be condescending, but then you argue without looking up information that is literally one google search away.
Take the tinker discussion someplace else please. A bit of discussion was fine, but this thread has nothing to do with tinkers.
You tell me not to be condescending, but then you argue without looking up information that is literally one google search away.
Gotta be honest. You are kinda being rather argumentative. Its not necessary.
Welp. My Threads always get silenced, and the forum moderators have to come fix it, because People use the Flagging system as their own personal dislike key.
I Make a Thread, it get silenced, and usually within 30 minutes, a Forum Mod shows up to unflag the post because it doesn’t break any rules.
It’s just infuriating.
To be honest, I came here to make a point that Tinkers were the most likely next class, and not Night Warriors. I didn’t intend on Hijacking a post, and I’m sorry. I will leave.
It’s because you spam tinkerer threads and then you do things like this lol.
No. Every Night Warrior before Tyrande died. Every single one. Tyrande shouldn’t have even survived. They backed the character into a corner and had to shoehorn in some dumb excuse to not kill her.