Costumer support dont want to do their job

With every game comes bugs, issues, errors, and we are all prepared to deal with those, the problem comes with u submit an issue and you get a half answer because the person that is answering your ticket doesn’t want to do the job.
I have screen shots of made up numbers, and answers just so they get paid but don’t have to work, and the suggestion I get is, create another ticket maybe you will get a gm that is actually willing to do the job.
What kind of Russian roulette costumer service is this, and why are we being subjected to it?
I remember helpful, funny, and overall awesome costumer support, but for the last couple of month I have gotten just copy and paste answers that doesn’t even make sense.
I have many other people that pass through the same issues I have, and most of them got lucky enough that they got it fixed by willing gms, is there a willing GM out there for me please.

Just so you know, the GMs and the forums staff cannot fix bugs. That falls into the realm of QA and the Devs, and they don’t frequent the CS forums for reports.


What is the issue that you’re contacting support about? Posting here with just complaints won’t accomplish anything since this is primarily a player-to-player helpdesk. However, If you explain what you need help with, we can point you in the right direction or explain why support can’t help.


He didn’t say they fix bugs, did he?

Not here. Use the Support link at the top of the page.

I do have to wonder exactly what you’re petitioning them for, because they aren’t there to assist with anything and everything we can come up with, but that’s neither here nor there.


where can I go for a loot amount error?
I have friends that had the same issue of not receiving the proper amount of the item for conflict and strife, and they had it fixed, but I dont seem to be able to.
I have submited a ticket in game, and they even posted my rating wrong, to try and prove I wasnt suppose to receive it.

You submit a ticket, if you think the GM didn’t understand you, keep it open.


thank you :slight_smile: I’ll keep trying

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If you’re certain you reached the appropriate ranking for the amount you should have received, yes. Reopen that ticket.

Be short and concise, keep it to the bare essentials so that there’s no misunderstanding with fluff.


will do, I appreciate the insight
I received the proper amount last week with the same rating, and I know I have reached 1600, I have the achievement and the tittle .
thank you

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Glad to hear we are in agreement as rational mature individuals.

I am not going to quote the next part, but I recommend you edit out the masked profanity. This is THE most heavily moderated forum of the WoW boards.

I strongly suspect you are mistaking doesn’t want to do their job and are prohibited from doing what it is you would like. Getting the answer you do not want is not them not wanting to do their job.

Funny I remember that kind of service too. Any time I have put in a ticket as a matter of fact. As to the copy paste you are most likely receiving a template answer back. This is to ensure that a consistent message on an extremely frequently asked issue is given. Most companies use them.

You mean issues the GM could actually help with?

If it is something they can help with, absolutely. But if it is not, then the answer they give, while not liked by you, is the correct answer.

All of this aside, what was the issue? Perhaps we can point you in the right direction?

Well considering he never said what the issue was (until later with a bit of prodding), based on his first sentence, it was assumed he was reporting a bug and asking for a fix. The rest of his post was a bit hyperbolic.

How many did you receive? I received my 3 in my chest on Tuesday. I have no interest in pushing higher tbh.

I only received 3, and with a rating of 1600 that I have acquired, I should have received 5.

This is pure speculation on my part, as I know it jumps to 5 at 1600. If you dip BELOW 1600, does it still remain 5? If it does not, did you dip below 16 by chance?

I am just spitballing here btw. I am collecting it just to get it to rank 3 as I don’t use it

Is this what you’ve acquired as your highest or what you ended the week at? If you ended the day Monday at even 1599, you’ll only get 3, from what I’m understanding.

I would highly recommend adjusting your ticket to discuss the issue you are having and not berating the folks that get the ticket about people not doing their jobs.

I’m sorry that you had an issue with a previous response but if you have feedback about the Game Master, you’ll be provided with a survey when your ticket is closed. That is the appropriate means of providing it.

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it still remains 5, or it should.
I have 3 other friends that have experience the same issue, wrong amount once it dip bellow 1600, but they were able to get the amount fixed.
last week I received 2 on the chest and 3 on the mail, and it was on the blue post that might happen.
this time around I did not received the remaining of the loot in the mail.

You do realize Activsion fired 600 CS reps cause they decided they weren’t necessary. So the ones who are left are probably over worked and trying their best.

CS reps did not get fired last year, there were some from community and esports. The last round of layoffs in CS was so long ago that i’m not even sure it is even rel event