why the emphasis on “IN”?
Sure. And I would still have to then start that up, take the mats out, and then use them. But what if want to do the Engineering weekly, AND the leatherworking weekly? So now I have to take out mats for both, even though I don’t know what I need for the LW weekly, unless i fly there first (or run?) sort out exactly what I need, then I guess open it up at the LW one, get out the mats for that AND the ENG one, then do the LW one, go back, do the ENG one, and hope I kept track of all of that, probably in a notepad file outside of the game.
I could just put the stuff in the warbank reagant bank. And not worry about all of that.
I do as well, didn’t think of doing it that way! I’m going to merg my two guilds here shortly so even more storage! (all the toons of just mine and my boyfriends)
isn’t it easier to keep reagents which you use regularly, in the personal reagent bank?
That’s pretty bonkers.
Not when I play multiple characters, no. That’s the whole point.
Hunter - ENG/LW
Those are my main crafters, I don’t have a current JC for reasons I’m honestly not sure about, but most of my other alts are ENG and some sort of gathering. And so many weekly quests these days provide mats of some kind. So they ALL will just dump into the warband bank. And ALL have access.
I mean, my hunter goes through the ED weeklies, gets a bunch of herbs and ore, and cloth, he’s not using the herbs or cloth.
It’s like Ion and the devs said “exponential growth for cost? Hold our microbrew beers!”.
i just kind of assume that everyone is insanely strapped for space, and will want to use the space as additional space, rather than replacement space
I was looking forward to this as a replacement for my alt-only guild. Y’know, maybe joining a different guild with one (or more) of my alts so that I can do stuff more easily with others. But this isn’t really a cost-effective way to do this, unfortunately.
Oh well. I’ll move on. I’m sure someone will call that complaining and come here to complain about what I just posted and call me entitled. They are certainly entitled to do so…
Unfortunately, it’s still not Cowvenent for you.
LOL you fibber Nobully…hahaha
So make 65 alts…
Got it
Hilariously it’s still nearly 50k per alt.
Which highlights how ridiculous a price that is.
It is ridiculous the cost of those warbank tabs now…I could buy all of them but I am not …I’ll only buy the first one and second one …the rest to me is waste of gold in my eyes…I have enough private guild banks to store my stuff.
Yeah, I think I only bought the third one because the char I was on had like 250k gold, so I just said sure, why not. But I’m not interested in the other two, and I’m sitting on over 1M total gold right now. Even if they inflate gold earnings, I don’t have a need for it, with 7 alt guild bank tabs.
I got all 5 tabs and the only thing in the last two is wall to wall Firewaters.
Like literally. I don’t see the point of war and at all. They just changed from “Bound to Blizzard account” to warband. This war and system sounded amazing when they introduced it, but I knew it will not be close what they promised.
WarBank slots expensive and like you said if I wanna send to my toons I’ll just send it in mail like I always do.
Worst part of all of this is you can’t trade between alts class tagged tokens. If piece of gear has class tag it’s worthless if you get it on wrong class. I thought warbands will solve that but noooooo
Agreed. I really hoped they were going to finally move towards everything counting across all your toons but all they did is ad fancy names made everything an expensive jumbled mess.
I’ll be sticking to mailing stuff between toons for this reason.
The only bonus to me would be being able to craft from the warband bank - so I don’t have to mail myself the mats.
But these prices, I’ll just keep mailing lol