Cost of Warband bank is ludicrous!

Yeah, I’ll buy the one tab and just keep sending stuff to alts like I do now. You’re basically paying for the convenience of not having to log in another time to mail needed mats. Not worth it.

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Just ignore the cost of the last tab, it is really only there as a flex. Basically you are going to be able to be a guild bank for yourself at the low cost of 626k gold. Given the insane amount of space this opens up, that is a value.

You worded how I feel perfectly, but I do wish there was more of an option for those who might not have as much time as they used to for all the ways you listed of making gold in a day/week.

Either way, amazingly explained

Yea, I’ll stick with my bank toons guild banks. Already paid for and being used. Warband bank is nice, but I don’t need access to that much stuff while out and about. I’ll use warband for rep tokens, gear grind items (like scarabs for AQ), pet things and gear for alts. 2 tabs is all I’ll need. I’m not paying for more than that.


Between personal bank, reagent tab, warband bank, and guild bank, the hardest part will simply be “what goes where”.

I figure old-xpac mats can stay in the guild bank, weirdo current mats can stay in the char reagent bank, and then current common-shared mats in the warband bank, right?


The real advantages are cross-realm gold transferring and being able to store mats for any character to use with their professions.


I’m sort of waiting for the “I wish there was this or that in there” and then I’ll go put it in there. Guessing ahead is silly, the reagents are old - If I use the new bank thing for TWW it will take a long time to fill and, assuming that I’m making things, might never get full.

I do have a question about this. I noticed that there is the regular character bank tab, a reagent bank tab, and then the warband bank tab.

Is the reagent bank tab ONLY for the toon that it is on?

Lets say my druid is herb and mining, if I put those items in the reagent tab, I could not access those on any other toon… or I would have to put those items into the Warband bank to be able to access it?

Also… now that I think of it. Which tab does it need to be in for crafting purposes for not having to have it in your personal bags… or does it matter?

$5 only?!?! LOL what glue are you smoking? They make way more then $5 per token lol. Selling them cost them nothing almost. Kind of like that $10 soda at the fair. It cost only pennies for the pop and the cup and straw are the most expensive part and you don’t really think they cost $9 do ya?

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My gosh, even in WoW we have to throw words at people in the form of “I judge you”. I have paid for this game with real money since it launched 20 years ago. Yes, I AM entitled to QoL items. It is not a game QoL feature if you have to 1-pay the sub, and 2-pay game currency, at a level that (DICTATES) you waste your game time as a DAG_GUMB Farmer.

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I will def be saving for tab 4 - the fact that any character on any server can craft out of warbank is super awesome to me. I just wish that a second account wouldn’t be autolocked like with pet battles unless actually using the feature.

  • The Reagent tab is solely for that specific character, to use while crafting
  • The Warband bank is for all of YOUR chars, to among other things, use while crafting
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Yes, the reagent tab is for that character only. Which is a nice benefit of the warbound one as it mats put in there can be used by all in the band.

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well, thats the difference between the $15 the sub would have cost of the person giving up their gold for the token IF he were paying cash for his subs.

But yeah, you definitely get me thinking about it a bit more.
once the gold farmer has paid gold for his first token of the month for his sub…anything after that is just pure profit for blizzard when the gold is purchase by another player thru the token.

Huh…I hadnt even thought it thru that far. lol. Im always just assuming a player is buying or selling a single token in a month at most

Only the Toons “IN” your Warband have access to those Items in your Warband bank. Now Just make a bank toon, get to a hub, say SW, and form a guild get the guild bank, and ALL your account toons ON that realm can mail mats, and BoE gear to that toon and store it. I have 2 Guild bank toons for my realm and have way more than enough space.

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All my toons are in the same guild, Mine… You can not put BoA items in it.
The WB makes this option very nice for AB items.

I’m better off making new private guilds for myself to store my stuff.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


do you not have access to mobile banking?

Its heck of lot cheaper to have private guild banks…takes a bit to set them up but once done its great…I have 5 personal private guild banks myself.

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We know how MVPS are chosen, consoooooom my child!

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