Cost of Warband bank is ludicrous!

Yup agreed, I already have a major guild bank for my toons this is pointless except for the crafting

I bought 3 tabs
had to wait on the 3rd and figure out how to get the 100k from my GB since it is broken in regards to withdrawing gold (found a work around from others to get the gold I needed from the GB).

I am not going to have more than 3 tabs on the Warband Bank. Only going to need it for mats/patterns/pet charms/extra pets (to sell on other realm AH’s) and warband gear.

I have 2 personal GB’s each with 6 tabs on two servers (one for horde toons one for ally toons), that is a lot of extra storage that I can pull from to add to the Warband Bank as needed. Just cleaned them both out and now I have almost 12 empty GB tabs ready for new stuff.

Meh. It’s a luxury feature for convenience, unnecessary to play the game. Folks can buy a tab next year. Buy another one in Midnight.
The biggest diamonds aren’t for the poors. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a convenience feature which prices shouldn’t be that high. And there is nothing luxurious about it. You can have nearly the same thing for way less with a bankchar.
If you want I translate the calculations I did in the German forums, but basically you can easily get a bit over 1k slots for a bit over 10800 gold. That makes the per slot price for the warbank more than 160 times higher if you buy 4 tabs and over 650 times higher if you buy all 5 tabs. A reasonable price for for it would be i.e. 250k gold for all 5 tabs, at most 350k gold. That would be still a lot more expensive than the alternative, but that would be at least ok considering it is accountwide.


yeah, it’s so much better to just make a guild for yourself and have all your toons in it

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That would be another option.

Hell no, I don’t care how much I make, even if 2 million was pocket change I wouldn’t waste it on this. It’s a pointless expenditure. I’m good with Tab 1 and 2.

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I find buying more then one Tab a waste. One tab lets you pool gold from all servers into one bank, that is quite powerful. Being able to be a messy with all tabs I am unsure. If you are a hoarder doesn’t really have any benefit, rather sell all the the stuff. One tab is enough so you can swap stuff from one server to another, the stuff that allows it at least.

A long time ago, Blizzard had some good mechanics to take out some gold from the market, one was having to buy Flying as example.

Ironically diamond pricing is fixed despite how ridiculously common they are

Warband and guild bank prices should be swapped. Huge disadvantage for not only new players but regular players as well.

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There was an achievement in place for buying the 5th tab but it was removed - I wonder why?

Still say our Personal banks need more dang room to
much of stuff I got crammed in my Personal bank can not be put in guild bank
or warbank or the reagent bank or the void storage either
other then the beer steins now that was found out by a fellow poster you can put beer steins in the warbank now
which is strange for sure

Add this in to
let us get rid of those damn Legendaries that clog up our personal bank now 
there is like what 4 or 5 or even 6 now
we can’t sell them
we can’t disenchant them 
we can’t destroy them 
they just clog up our bank slots for no good reason at all

They really should have upgraded the Personal Bank its criminally small compared to the average MMO these days. Our Reagent Bank per toons should always have been much larger too. I always wanted it to be more like Guild Wars 2’s where it just has a native spot for every profession reagent/item. Though in GW2 you have to buy upgrades to the size stack you can have in there and it is inherently ACCOUNT WIDE. But that would require Blizzard to have a damn clue about what they’re doing and not to charge us an excessive upfront cost to use it and I just don’t have faith in them anymore. lol

I didnt think the prices were that bad, at least not for the first 3. Of course by the time the price gets to 500k, it’s no longer economical, but 135,000g for 3 huge tabs seems kind of like a bargain. That’s one top tier piece of gear early on in the expac or or a medium-rare pet/mount/toy.

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Its not worth the price for what its offering. They’ve overpriced the tabs considerably for no reason.

There was a reason though, it rhymes with “Ow Oaken”

I don’t think the tabs are investments; they’re luxuries. It’s like asking how long it would take to recoup your investment on a yacht.

2-3 weeks here

but I don’t waste gold like that

They might have luxury prices, but surely no luxury value. Huge difference.

I only have the first tab for now. I may buy the second tab at some point.

I’ll just wait for 3 - 5 when they inevitably drop the price because only 1% of the playerbase is buying them.