Cost of Warband bank is ludicrous!

I bought one tab. And the only reason I bought one is to transfer the WARBAND loot that would have previously been ACCOUNT BOUND and free to mail between characters.

Yeah. Warband is awesome guyz.


Wouldnā€™t have thought they could be nowā€¦that is coolā€¦thanks for the Info hunā€¦hugs

I think he was genuinely inquiring as what people plan to store. Not everything is a personal attack on you.

butā€¦ why? you can use your guild bank for that.

the point of the warbank is to share stuff which would have been previously soulbound, between your characters.

consolidate all your ex-soulbound now warband bound physical currency etc.

Lmaoā€¦there was no attack on him, sonā€¦yet HE chose to see oneā€¦

and YOU said nothing to HIM about thatā€¦leaving me to think yet again one of you is starting to obsess about meā€¦and rather than have a back and forth with you, Iā€™ll just ignore you lol :wave: :wave:

Settle down with your victimization Karen.

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Iā€™m going with 1 tab for as long as I can hold out. Itā€™s not raining gold for me like it seems to be for many lol


Warbound loot can be mailed just like account bound loot.


yah this is a blatant grab to get people to buy tokensā€¦


Totally what I am thinking!

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Evident in that they even spiked the price for a bit to entice the purchase.

Wait you cant mail warbound items?

i absolutely recommend going through all of your personal bank stuff to see if thereā€™s anything you can shift to the warbank to free up a few extra bag slots. :smiley:

(a bit of pre-launch spring cleaning!!)

Do you think its that?
There were the same comments about the AH mount in here way back when.
Do they do this knowing they make $5 per token and thats the motivation for this kind of crap?

I just never see anything either way, so I cant decide if its thatā€¦or just Ion being Ion claiming its to bring down inflation, which never seems to happen, lol

Karen wantā€™s more attention

Yeah I always do some spring cleaning between expansionsā€¦usually on my down time from events and my making gold time frameā€¦

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If I use my guild bank for that, which I HAVE been, I still have to go to the bank each time I want to DO something. Itā€™s convenience. Think of it literally like a bank: Making deposits is quick and easy. Then later, I use my bank card wherever I want to, money is available.

In my case, I deposit my mats, quick and easy, and then I go do my crafting, like the weeklies, or making something for an alt, and I donā€™t HAVE to drive back to the bank. Just whip out my built-in reagent access, and craft.

This has always been the point of my warband bank need. I actually forgot about soulbound stuff. Now thatā€™s just a bonus. Also, as to the costs, yeah, I agree, even that third tab hurt for a brief moment at what, 100k, right? But if you think about it, right now for example, one character running through all of the 11 I think LFR raid choices, at least yesterday for my character, they were paying 280g per choice, just for doing them in the finder. That plus the races, the centaur weekly, all the stuff that just drops, you could make 250k in less than a week if you really put in the effort and had some time. 25k for that first tab without blinking an eye really.

I donā€™t agree with the absurd scaling up costs of multiple tabs, but the first few are chump change for anyone that wants to justify having these. Everything costs gold, nothing is free. Hell, I probably spend well over 10k a week just using my transmog mount, because I enjoy looking how I feel in a video game.

If it were ALL free, then weā€™d have it all, and be done, and bored, and thereā€™s zero longevity. Iā€™m not a fan of ridiculous sinks, but I do understand the need for sinks of some kind to be necessary and have a purpose.

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Well I got the first 3 and proceded to dump mats from the alt army into itā€¦ Then decided that I do not NEED to have a standing inventory of 6k severite R2s. 3th tab now contains ZG Bijjoux and other bag currency, 2th is quite empty and the very first tab I am fixing to keep only the choicer items.

Tab 4 and 5 can waiiiiit!

As someone who was excited for the warband bank because of my large number of alts and professions, I was kinda let down by the size of the bank itself per slot.

I guess I have the ā€œstandardā€ amount of gold for the average player, but it still is hard for me to even justify likeā€¦ buying a mount Iā€™ve wanted if it is over 10k. Let alone a bank tab.

Was hopeful to use this feature for my alts across different factions and servers, but I guess for now Iā€™ll stick to the cross faction/server guild bank as well.

Iā€™ll probably just use the first tab of the warband bank for crafting items and gear.

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Now ya tell me! :sweat_smile: Okay, so I wasted 1000gp. Thatā€™s not too bad.

Warband bank is now useless to me since itā€™s more convenient to mail the items than it is to put into a bank. Mailboxes are everywhere, banks are only in major cities.