Sure, but it’s all relative. If you play more you acquire more stuff and thus need more storage. But if you play more you also earn more gold to pay for that storage. Same deal if you’re doing some serious profession work and hoarding mats for that. Presumably you’re making a tidy profit from it and have the gold for storage.
And it’s not like the warbank is in lieu of all our old storage options. You don’t have to clear our your characters’ individual banks or void storage.
I guess ive just personally never hit storage as a bottleneck to my goldmaking and thus dont really see the benefit in very expensive storage. I would sooner open an additional account considering the other benefits that brings.
Yeah the Stormwind federal reserve has been cutting tungsten into their gold issue coins more and more and more lately… Anduin being absent hasn’t helped with the corruption.
They probably should have given a secondary benefit for buying a tab like increasing the gold cap of the warbank per tab purchase, but I think they gave us nearly 100m gold storage automatically?
This is meant to be a QOL addition, it shouldn’t be made to be out of reach of the average player. The Brutosaur sure, but not this. When this is a feature standard in other games without buying the space, or at least the space being much more reasonably priced, this is just ridiculous on Blizzard’s part and shows how out of touch they are with the player base.
If you say so. I pay monthly for this game so yes I should be able to have reasonable access to this QOL feature because it is indeed a QOL addition regardless if you think/say so or not.
Other games offer this as I said standard so I’ll skip it and continue the old way if they make this out of reach for the average player, or go back to another game instead. Bliz thinks everyone has millions of gold easily, and that isn’t the case as we clearly see many are not happy with this pricing structure for the tabs.
blizzard is like a small child that doesnt learn from their mistakes in the past and never thinks before they act. why would a qol evergreen feature be such a massive gold sink when the majority of the playerbase isnt the whales but the uber poor peasant. this is blizzard trying to sell tokens. i have the money to buy the first 4 and a bit short for the 5th but i havent bought past the first tab since there not worth the money. this will just be something i use to send gold and items across alts on different servers until its value raises to the price or the price drops like a lead brick. until then ill stick with my guild bank doing all the heavy lifting for a fraction of the price
It doesn’t matter what I think, but Blizzard seems to agree with the same thoughts that I do - you aren’t entitled to gold sinks just because you pay a sub. Your opinion doesn’t matter anymore than mine does.
I dunno what you’re getting at here, are you throwing hints out there that you are looking to buy runs or what?