Cost of Raiding

its really hard, the 4 adds are a huge problem with so many players, they take too long to kill so they start healing eachother and they spam sw:p on everyone, we only had 2 dispels in the raid in our regular comp so we couldn’t keep up with interupts or dispels. I would guess that domo would be a similar problem

says the complainer that is on era not anniversary where we all wait for tbc – your brain so smooth a bowling ball blushes


Stealth pro GDKP post.

It’s never necessary to cheat(buy gold).
If you don’t have the time to farm the gold to buy the consumes don’t buy them.
If your guild requires them find a different guild.


Pro tip,

You don’t have to buy all the consumes. You’ll still clear the raid.


But what about the sweet purple to orange to red pulsing buff?

I’ve been soloing jump run since it released. However now with more MC/ranking gear it has become a lot easier to do.

Mmmm, lost world buffs last week before baron and still parsed high purples the rest of the raid. Granted the Feral druid player pool is much smaller.

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You can’t parse purple without consumes and world buffs on rogue or warrior.

But who cares about parsing. It’s stupid

Weapons are only open to the top 4 overall parsing warriors

Your raid sounds lame.

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I’d find a new guild tbh. Stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life.

If I ever had someone tell me I can’t roll on gear because I am a feral druid I just wouldn’t play with that group anymore. Believe me I get that raiding and trying to parse is expensive. Feral druid is quite literally the most expensive/time consuming class in the game to min max, ret pally might be about the same. But if I am putting in the same amount of work or most likely more work to get all of my consumes to min max my class, I’m not going to be restricted on my rolls for gear.

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Can be fun. Can be super competitive. Can be extremely toxic

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SR runs are where it’s at.

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Never raided with a feral on anniversary or 2019 classic

boohoo :expressionless: if you don’t like the guild you’re in, join a different one

what i don’t understand is if you want to be super competitive, do that. but why whine about the rules of the game? :expressionless: it’s like if some pro basketball player kept whining about the height of the hoop. omg plz lower it, wahhh

you’re right, all though you can have both buffs at once

just about every single consume you use for a warrior pretty much and then a long list of extras, then add on about 5 hours a week farming out MCPs from gnomergan. flask is optional for warrior, distilled wisdom is manditory for feral to have the mana to power shift, plus mana pots, plus dark runes.

Basically imagine all the consumes you use for your warrior, then add on needing to also have all the consumes as a healer, then add on 4-5 hours a week farming out MCPs.

Not that this is to say it’s a contest of who has to spend more. The point is more or less, if you want to min max and parse it’s expensive and should be. It should require a hefty dedication of time to be able to achieve the highest parses, it shouldn’t be free.

The vanilla iteration of the game doesn’t require consumes at all to clear the content, but if you are aiming to see orange/pink/yellow you SHOULD be required to spend a ridiculous amount of prep time to do so, that is the trade off Imho.

Every class in the game has the ability to make hundreds if not thousands of gold a week farming a couple hours a day. I’d suggest google and youtube to research up on possible gold farms for your class. Since you play warrior, I’d suggest looking up open world farms since those will be paying out the most on average. There is always the option of finding a healer buddy and 2manning Strat live up to the first boss and splitting the orbs 50/50(I did this in 2005 as a holy paladin with a hunter buddy) or a healer with herbalism while you have mining and 2manning DME jump runs, you take the mining nodes they takes the herbs.


Title is misleading. This is not the cost of raiding but is instead the cost of being a sweaty tryhard.


I think the part where you undermined yourself is that you forgot the reason why people say to raid in a less sweaty guild is so that you can buy less consumables. Like, if you wanna spend this much per week so you can raid as fast as possible then no problem, but you also accept the cost of that.

If the cost is something that you don’t enjoy, you should explore using less consumables and seeing how that impacts how you and your group plays.

You should not be able to buy your way to this kind of progress. If you want this level of consumables, you should have to farm them yourself. You should also be able to in that you aren’t out-competed by bots and farmers. You were never intended to raid with 100% of the game’s buffs at all times. That’s something the player base has created, which has resulted in this rather ludicrous pay to win mentality that has defined WoW Classic.

At the end of the day though, you do you, but when your complaint is…

… you’ve ultimately put yourself in this position.


“I want to be in a top 1% guild but I don’t want to put in the effort a top 1% guild needs”.

The other warriors will all have hunters or mage alts. Back in 2019 classic in alot of the speed running guilds it was a requirement you had a mage to farm gold. They didn’t want to risk their players copping bans from buying gold.

All these threads coming out of the woodworks since the gdkp ban really goes to show how reliant alot of people were on the rmt gold they received from gdkping.

No wonder blizzard banned this system.

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