I have two Alliance warriors on Nightslayer. Currently, my guild is running splits so we can funnel gear to our mains. I’m sure a lot of people here already know the cost of raiding on one warrior, but for those who don’t, I’ll go over the weekly consumables I use.
I know some of you will say, “If you don’t want to use consumes and world buffs, then join a less sweaty guild.” But actually, it’s cheaper to raid in a sweaty guild that clears Molten Core in ~40 minutes than in an SR run that takes over an hour. The reason? You use fewer consumables, and oftentimes, your world buffs last two weeks, cutting costs.
Here’s the list of consumables I buy every week for one warrior:
- Elixir of Mongoose: 4g
- Elixir of Giants: 2g
- Sharpening Stones (4x): 32g
- Roids: 8g
- Greater Fire Protection Potion (6x): 30g
- Shadow Protection Potion: 5g
- LIPs (3x): 9g
- Extra LIPs (3x): 6g
- Advanced Target Dummy (2x): 4g
- Mighty Rage Potion (6x): 12g
- Food (10x): 10g
- Restoration Potion: 2g
- Flask: 80g (assuming prices will drop)
- Firewater (2x): 15g
- Bandages (20x): 4g
- Sapper Charges (5x): 10g
- Rend MC Cap: 30g
Total cost for one warrior per week: 263g
Since I raid on two warriors, I double this amount.
Total cost for two warriors per week: 526g
This doesn’t even include Crusader enchants, librams, BiS BoEs, etc. With Blackwing Lair (BWL) releasing soon, costs will only go up, and since most guilds will still be running MC alongside BWL, expenses won’t drop anytime soon.
At my farming rate of 50g per hour (boosting Stocks on my warrior), I would need to farm 10.52 hours per week just to cover my consumables.
For many of my guildmates, this isn’t an issue since they swipe for gold, but I’m too scared to risk my account, so I farm everything myself.
I’ve heard swiping wouldn’t be necessary in Classic Era because of GDKPs, where players could make this amount of gold in just one or two runs with an alt. If my guild were able to host GDKPs, I’d be much more motivated to run them.
At this rate, I might have to stop playing next patch because I simply won’t be able to afford it. Blizzard has already lowered the cost of Black Lotus, but maybe they should do the same for other consumables to make raiding more accessible.
This might just be a ramble, but I know a lot of people here are in the same situation. How are you affording this without spending over 10 hours a week farming?