Cost of Raiding

I have two Alliance warriors on Nightslayer. Currently, my guild is running splits so we can funnel gear to our mains. I’m sure a lot of people here already know the cost of raiding on one warrior, but for those who don’t, I’ll go over the weekly consumables I use.

I know some of you will say, “If you don’t want to use consumes and world buffs, then join a less sweaty guild.” But actually, it’s cheaper to raid in a sweaty guild that clears Molten Core in ~40 minutes than in an SR run that takes over an hour. The reason? You use fewer consumables, and oftentimes, your world buffs last two weeks, cutting costs.

Here’s the list of consumables I buy every week for one warrior:

  • Elixir of Mongoose: 4g
  • Elixir of Giants: 2g
  • Sharpening Stones (4x): 32g
  • Roids: 8g
  • Greater Fire Protection Potion (6x): 30g
  • Shadow Protection Potion: 5g
  • LIPs (3x): 9g
  • Extra LIPs (3x): 6g
  • Advanced Target Dummy (2x): 4g
  • Mighty Rage Potion (6x): 12g
  • Food (10x): 10g
  • Restoration Potion: 2g
  • Flask: 80g (assuming prices will drop)
  • Firewater (2x): 15g
  • Bandages (20x): 4g
  • Sapper Charges (5x): 10g
  • Rend MC Cap: 30g

Total cost for one warrior per week: 263g
Since I raid on two warriors, I double this amount.

Total cost for two warriors per week: 526g

This doesn’t even include Crusader enchants, librams, BiS BoEs, etc. With Blackwing Lair (BWL) releasing soon, costs will only go up, and since most guilds will still be running MC alongside BWL, expenses won’t drop anytime soon.

At my farming rate of 50g per hour (boosting Stocks on my warrior), I would need to farm 10.52 hours per week just to cover my consumables.

For many of my guildmates, this isn’t an issue since they swipe for gold, but I’m too scared to risk my account, so I farm everything myself.

I’ve heard swiping wouldn’t be necessary in Classic Era because of GDKPs, where players could make this amount of gold in just one or two runs with an alt. If my guild were able to host GDKPs, I’d be much more motivated to run them.

At this rate, I might have to stop playing next patch because I simply won’t be able to afford it. Blizzard has already lowered the cost of Black Lotus, but maybe they should do the same for other consumables to make raiding more accessible.

This might just be a ramble, but I know a lot of people here are in the same situation. How are you affording this without spending over 10 hours a week farming?


when i say i don’t want to raid with people who use world buffs, people tell me to “go find a dad guild who doesn’t care about that stuff” :expressionless: well same to you

and no, just because the guild isn’t sweaty doesn’t mean the run is going to wipe 5 times.


Warrior is miserable to play without consumes and wbuffs


no it isn’t :expressionless: and here’s a tip, downgrade your consumables. just drink a +25 agi pot instead of a mongoose, etc. now everything is super affordable.

reminder that these raids are braindead easy

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Warrior is miserable to play without consumes and wbuffs. Like I said you still have to bring consumes and runs with no wipes still take around an hour so you have to use more.

Just show up to raid with a mongoose elixir like a normal person.

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I mean did you not put yourself in a position by playing two warriors?

That’s kinda your own doing


yea. you’re not wrong

Each day, I go to Texas Roadhouse and I order a 16oz prime rib with a sidekicker of shrimp. Easily $40 per meal after drink and tip. Say close to $300 a week on meals.

Some people say to me “Morg, you dont gotta eat out literally night night”, but, like, do they just not realize that I gotta eat? I will seriously die if I dont consume calories. I have no choice, I must eat to survive. But damn if this Texas Roadhouse ain’t stupid expensive.


Fair enough. I might join a less sweaty guild on one of my warriors and see if I enjoy playing on my warrior without the insane amount of effort I’m putting in. Both of my warriors are r11 though so I kinda already feel commited and really dont want to quit. Rend, might rage pots, and sharpening stones make warrior play with endless rage and is why I do it

Good point. I should clarify that I go to Texas Roadhouse lunch AND dinner daily.


For a lot of this stuff the mats are easy to farm, and you should be able to get guildies to make most of it if you don’t have crafters yourself. You can’t really buy everything on the AH and expect it to be cheap.


Let me help balance your budget, really quickly…


Here’s my semi-hardcore opinion

  • Elixir of Mongoose: fair enough
  • Elixir of Giants: fair enough
  • Sharpening Stones (4x): fair enough
  • Roids: bit unecessary
  • Greater Fire Protection Potion (6x): probably unnecessary except for rag
  • Shadow Protection Potion: I’d trade this for an arcane prot pot on shazz
  • LIPs (3x): just don’t pull threat
  • Extra LIPs (3x): see above
  • Advanced Target Dummy (2x): see above
  • Mighty Rage Potion (6x): Don’t need you should be fairly rage capped anyway
  • Food (10x): fair enough
  • Restoration Potion: if you really care about your luci parse i guess
  • Flask: Don’t need just don’t die
  • Firewater (2x): fair enough
  • Bandages (20x): Just trust your healers
  • Sapper Charges (5x): Unnecessary AoEing trash is for mages.
  • Rend MC Cap: lol
    There I saved you ~150-180g

You are 100% RIGHT raiding expenses are WAY too high now. Need a full on buff for herbs across the board.

A lot of people love to put in effort and try hard, but 10 hours a week of farming is unrealistic for many

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Just join a gdkp discord. Problem solved


Do either of your warriors have professions? Perhaps a blacksmith could make you the sharpening stones? And an alchemist could be used to make some flasks?

Just a thought.

Also, you just outed your ‘hardcore’ guild as mostly swipers. What’s the relavent line you used?

Ahh yes, here it is:

" For many of my guildmates, this isn’t an issue since they swipe for gold, but I’m too scared to risk my account, so I farm everything myself."

So many of the ‘hardcore’ classic raiders in your guild are swipers. Nice, real nice.

So, couple more thoughts:

-Perhaps your guildies don’t appreciate you outing their cheating? Maybe?

-Perhaps you should write a nice email to and explain exactly who you know in your guild is a cheater? I mean you’re just increasing the corruption of the game by A: knowingly remain silent to cheating and then B: continuing to play with cheaters. This is exactly the reason RMT bots are everywhere: cheaters too lazy to play a game version they pay for whose main mechanic is…don’t stand in bad. Yeah…

-Perhaps you should choose not to play with cheaters? Maybe that works too?

Just a few quick thoughts perhaps you should consider.

Edit: One last thought: perhaps stop referring to cheaters as ‘hardcore’. They really aren’t.


You made the decision to play the game in a way that obviously isn’t fun for you….why?


it’s a very fun way to play the game, it’s like competitive speedrunning in other games. but in this specific game you have to spend 10 hours a week just to keep up. that’s going to hurt the game long term

What is the shadow prot pot even for?

Why do you need target dummies?

Why do you need a flask as a DPS warrior if you’re apparently using gfpps on trash mobs?

I get Warchief’s blessing is decent, but that’s on you to spend 30 gold a week on it.

Why did you choose to run two warriors, by far the most expensive class to run in a raid? If you’re doing splits to funnel gear, maybe you shouldn’t have ran two warriors.

This sounds like a self-imposed problem.

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