Cost of Raiding

if you need that for MC …im sorry idk how you plan to do naxx

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Even when I wanted to be sweaty, in vanilla or even in classic, I drew the line at roids, they were always way to much of a pain to farm, I also can’t imagine wasting gold on a flask as a DPS warrior, there are just so many cheaper ways to stay alive.

You don’t even know that a 99 is a pink.

I guess the biggest question I have is why is anyone even playing this version of the game?

You know how much black lotus is going for in sod? 1g

You can even buy rugged leather off the ah, turn them into accommodation and then use those accommodations to buy consumable raid wide world buffs. Total cost to give an entire raid full world buffs? About 100g

You know how much mongoose pots go for? 80 silver.

You also have more viable classes and specs in sod. It’s really nice seeing rets and boomies beating warriors on the meters.

Anyway, you’re all crazy for being here but since you’re gonna stay here, just do us all a favour and stop complaining

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If you don’t want to be in a real progression raiding guild don’t join one. I’m sure there are plenty of “fun” guilds still around at this point. It isn’t usually until AQ40 comes out that the “fun” guilds collapse under the weight of their lack of discipline and preparedness. The price of consumes are going to be much higher once AQ40 comes out too.


LOL thinking SOD is better than Classic Fresh.

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You can do MC without consumes if you have a full group of competent semi-conscious players. Most guilds though are compensating for a subset of Meme Specs and clueless. Even guilds that don’t have raid requirements, usually have 15-20 players that come prepared with world buffs, pots and spec’d properly anyway. This dynamic can survive until AQ40 which is where “fun guilds” go to die.

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You can do MC with a 20 man group with no buffs if they don’t stand in fire.


Honestly, I see no reason why you couldn’t tank or dps in your pvp set … Doubly so when the the rank 12 through 14 gear is available. Tons of crit, stam, and armor (and hit on the epic pieces)

tbc waiting no one wanted this garbage classic 1 yr cycle

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Eyr :expressionless: is right and I back them up 1000% :heart_eyes_cat:

You most definitely can, just pointing out different itemization is better / worse depending on the buffs you have.

Sounds about right for a ultra hardcore sweat guild that’s going for parses and speed clears, and doing splits to be ultra competitive on parses.

Tis a self inflicted wound. Most people probably spend just the 6g on 2 gfpps.

When dmf is out you’ll only be doing this once a month. Because you can’t parse without the 10% buff.

Up to you to draw the line on how hardcore you want to play. But ultra hardcore is expensive, always will be. Even if consumes were made common, you’d still be competing with the other super hardcore’s stockpiling them.

If I had to gather those mats for someone, I’d charge that much for the time 100%


Imagine going into a re-rerelease of classic knowing what the consumes look like for warrior and choosing to play on a pvp server, then complaining that the prices are too high. Not to mention doing it twice. You brought this on yourself, if you don’t like the prices then don’t do it.

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we’re not playing SoD because we don’t want to play retail :expressionless:

too bad you’re gonna have to wait :expressionless: the number of people who love vanilla dwarfs the number who love TBC by a massive margin

in og classic, around mid bwl we tried to do a molten core with 8 players and were able to kill everything except sulfuron, domo and rag, we never got to attempt the final two because sulfuron was just totally farming us, we tried everything but nothing worked

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Its a classic RPG. No one is forcing you to keep up with the 1%.

This is a you problem.


sell ony heads for 1k gold…
sell items in MC that you win to other warriors, do whisper bidding.
ez gold. ez life.


This should be the new min max metric :stuck_out_tongue:

Not how fast you can do it but how fast you can do it with how few.

I’m honestly curious if it could be 5 manned.