That was in original TBC, read the posts that wasback in 2007…when all the arguments began when the other guy said GDKP/buying loot didn’t exist before 2019
I never said my era guild did loot runs
My bad I thought you were talking back then.
That’s your take on era raids.
Do you see why they banned them now? As they take over servers.
Again since the start I said GDKPs aren’t perfect and I also said LC has it flaws and the others as well, the character in my forum picture is a Anniversary character, you think I would bother with anniversary if I was a Omg I swipe I only run GDKPs?
And I’m broke like 400g and still don’t have epic mount, I can’t farm 50 hrs a week and don’t swipe so I don’t have a lot of gold
Crying every time you log on the forums and realise you are muted
The solution to this isn’t getting rmtd payouts. Otherwise you’d be stuck in the loop you found yourself in at the end of era.
The same people that caused the plague of gdkps are responsible for all the botting and rmting going on. It was just an easier way for them to sell their gold.
Sod brought in ways to disrupt their business which worked very well, so they all flocked to anniversary.
I agree and have never said GDKP was amazing for the game, the original argument with the other guy was he said buying loot/GDKP started in 2019. I said my TBC guild in 2007 did “Loot runs” which were basically GDKPs (as did a lot of guilds on my server) and he said that was impossible because he played back then and he knew how everyone played. The argument spun out of control after that as tends to happen here. I was only trying to have a discussion but you know how that turns out on the internet.
Tldr - getting rid of GDKPs did reduce the amount people were RMT but there is a long way to go and until Blizz actively polices and bans Bots and gold buyers it’s here to stay sadly.
The discussion we should be having is how do we stop the need for rmt.
Sod brought in different ways of earning gold / obtaining mounts. Which really hurt the gold sellers.
Maybe for a better classic some more changes needs to happen. Because anni ain’t it
In Theodicy, Leibniz describes a philosophical framework that aims to explain the existence of evil in the world. The central premise of Leibnizian philosophy is that notwithstanding suffering caused by evil deeds, the existing world is the best possible world that God could have created.
Again, I prob came off abrasive but end of the day like most people I care about this game. I never was pro RMT, ended up having to run in GDKP pugs at the end of era just to keep raiding because that’s how it was for the most part I did run in a SR run on a alt. I like that GDKP is banned on Anniversary but RMT is still very much around. Some people just aren’t spending 50k on items but spending how ever much they need for consumes, boes, professions etc and some are getting that gold not from farming
Yep RMT is here just the same as it was before GDKPs.
I was watching the Services channel on Anniversary a bit ago. It’s just an endless stream of wts and wtb Boosts. Just imagine the RMT going through there.
I’d like to think most of the people buying boosts farmed that gold legit but who knows. I have never had a character boosted, I’m one of the crazy ones that enjoys leveling
The players that knew what they were doing many of them did play the way we do today, however that was a small portion of the population, the fact is most players barely were competent enough to do dungeons, and many struggled even with the quest system to get to 60. Few people raided, and many of those struggled to the point where there were a lot of 2 day MC/BWL raids. So if you want the original Vanilla experience, it’s almost you likely wouldn’t have even been raiding.
People have this misguided idea of what Vanilla was because for many they were there it was their first game like this and they were simply naive at the time, and now they look back on it fondly with this grass is greener idea that it was something that it really wasn’t. So if you really want the vanilla experience, you shouldn’t be raiding and your journey should probably end in dungeons, then you don’t need to worry about what all the sweaty raiders are doing.
Yup I was a newb in OG Vanilla but loved every moment of it. I did all the dungeons but only ever stepped into MC and Bwl and bwl was too hard for the guild I was in (laughable today haha) Wasn’t until TBC when I raided all content.
I was watching the auction house on Anniversary a bit ago. It’s just an endless stream of expensive consumables and BOE’s that cost 1-3k gold. Just imagine the RMT going through there.
Feels bad
There’s a lot of gold farming happening. After 2019, all the YouTube videos that came with it. Everyone knows they’re classes big gold farms.
By the end of vanilla I’ll probably have around 6kg earned just from transmuting undeath to water.
Yep all those warriors with lionhearts and edgemasters farmed it all.
You are right.
RMT doesn’t exist anymore thank goodness.
I did a lot of ZF runs. Don’t @ me crud. I don’t have lhh though, that bulljive is 3k on nightslayer so that’s a hard pass from me.