If you read any of my posts in this thread I said I’m against GDKP for the most part, but the other loot rule options have their flaws too. And again the vast majority of thr guilds on my server were offering loot runs similar to what I said. But you as you stated played on all servers in every raid run and its totally impossible that was how it was on my server. I will conceed to your all seeing eye that has no faults and tells no lies
I’ve seen a lot of pro-gdkpers pretend to not be in favor of gdkp. It’s just another tactic. Not sure about this guy. I do have a vague memory of him saying something like how banning GDKPs were supposed to completely eliminate all RMT. So he definitely trolls somewhat.
I said that was slightly troll and had a good conversation actually with the person in that thread, it was a stab at Blizz and their lack of care for classic servers
I raided era for the most part until the very end in a SR/DKP kinda hybrid loot rule guild. It was only like the last 6months or so I raided in GDKPs because I needed no gear and was trying to build some gold capitol.
Just another player that wants to rely on rmtd gold because they don’t understand the game.
Time for him to make another one
So I’m broke with 300g and no epic mount but I RMT, I must be the worst person at doing it then.
Collecting gold from swipers in GDKPs. That’s the reality.
Yes it sucks but when most of the raids in era were running that loot rule aside from a couple guilds you either didn’t raid or raided in them
Do you see why they banned said loot rule now?
I am just wondering if you are so 100% correct always, know everything about how everyone has played the game for the past 20 years, and anything you disagree with is wrong/bad for the game why do you hide behind a forum alt.
Because blizzard thought it would stop/reduce RMT, more time is needed to see if they were correct
When the argument gets dismantled you attack the player.
This is a very common pro gdkper tactic. Time to make another sock puppet
What got dismantled, you said it was impossible that my guild ran a raid a certain way, you also said I RMT by posting a post I made saying I’m broke trying to save for epic mount. If I was RMT how would I not have gold for epic mount
Quote me where I said this. Just making stuff up again.
Quote me where I said this. The meaning behind that post was you are struggling to make gold and want gdkps to come back so you can benefit from rmtd gold.
Nothing about you rmting directly.
No they didn’t. No one said that except pro-gdkp trolls. It eliminates one cause of RMT.
Yes I mentioned GDKPs in there as a way people make gold, but I also said I can’t mine/herb at a rate to make a decent amount of gold because of the bots
So your solution to this is to reinforce a system that creates more bots just so you can acquire some of that rmtd gold without getting banned?
Do you see why this isn’t good for the game?
In my previous post I said I raided in a non GDKP guild all of era and only did GDKP pugs at the very end when my guild stopped raiding. People taking a shortcut by swiping is never the answer. But no matter what I say you and that other lvl 11 just come back with “that’s what every pro gdkper says” or “get gud learn to make gold and not rely on RMT”
You said your guild did loot runs?
Which is it?
Can you see why we would think you are making things up when you can’t even keep track of something you posted 20mins ago?