Cost of Raiding

It’s called Nightslayer.

Nah according to a lvl 11 forum warrior that kno s everything says it doesn’t occur its in my head or its my fault and only happens to me

And that’s why they are banned. Erode social structures. Stop people playing the game.

Now people just buy gold to buy consumes to raid. Just to get the loot all given to the 4-5 officers in the loot council. (with the odd exception guild that is fair).

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That’s not a gdkp

Yes, correct. And it’s because of how you behave.

Your correct it was a guild of carries letting 5-8 people bid against each other for gear, and at the end the carries got a payout. Absolutely nothing in common with a GDKP on era.

Bid against?

I used to do those runs. No one bidded gold. It was a flat rate before entering and you’d take 1 of each class / armour type. So they could slurp up.

Lying about things isn’t a great way to get your point across. It’s a common pro gdkper tactic.

So you know how every single guild was running their raids?

You said the vast majority

On my server it was.

Most of us played vanilla and tbc. Unless you were on a private server, you are making this up.

Again your saying you know everything. Most of guilds on my server at the end of the raid tiers were doing Loot runs, if you don’t want to believe that, that’s fine.

Imo player behavior drives the system not the other way around. That tends to be why forcing behavior with policy tends not to work; people have to willingly change. It’d be like saying restedxp drives players to level more efficiently. Nah, the players wanted to level more efficiently so restedxp was created. Restedxp wouldn’t exist without that player desire.

I’m not saying they didn’t. But saying they were bid gdkp runs is disingenuous.

Gdkps are banned. I don’t need to make things up.

Path of least resistance. It’s not always the best or healthiest path.

That’s why in a video game the creators change rules and policies if the path is a bad one. Like gdkps. Like leveling exploits.

They are banned on Anniversary yes. They weren’t banned for the first 19 yrs of Wow and still aren’t on every other version of the game. My guild did allow bids on the loot in our Loot Runs. If your guild sold for a predetermined flat rate that’s fine. Two different ways to skin a cat.

Again it was you that said the bid style loot sale runs were the vast majority.

Most of the people here played vanilla and tbc. We know this is not the case.

Only 1 side has to make things up

You are the only one that is saying only your view of the game is the way the entire game has been played by the he millions of people that have played it so for that argument its fair to say we are both “making things up”

No, that’s what you were saying.

I’m saying the majority of players here played vanilla and tbc and know what you are saying is not true. You can repeat it / change it all you want. It’s not going to work. This is a pro gdkper strategy we have been dealing with for years.

Only 1 side has to make things up to make their argument sound better