Cost of Raiding

I wasn’t even trying to prove him wrong I simply said it didn’t magically appear in 2019 just became way more widespread and more obvious.

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And banning GDKPs (I get Blizzard had to try and do something), but it didn’t stop BOTs, didn’t stop RMT (yes I will agree it decreased it). But now the community is so toxic. Every run all the loot is HR’d and if its not the leader will swap to ML right before a boss and Ninja loot.

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Oh, come on, who ever said they magically appeared? I’ve had this discussion many times over the years. I know from where they originated and when. But there’s a difference between .1% of the population on a handful of servers occasionally running GDKPs vs. what ended up happening in Classic, where it completely took over.

And even me saying that happened in latter Classic isn’t really fair since obviously you need a bunch of 60s before they’ll show up. But that was a good 6 months into Classic.

And NONE of that has anything to do with how it is linked hand in hand with RMT, reduces social interactions, and is simply bad for the game. And look at the horribly toxic people who promote it. That speaks volumes as well.

The damage it did, the environment it fostered, and the playerbase it attracted maybe is beyond repair. And also…Megaservers. It brings out the worst in people.

I said I saw it in orignal TBC not OG classic, and the loot runs(basically GDKPs) were prob close to 50% of the runs near the end of a raid teir. 0.1% is saying it never happened.

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“Taking over an hour to clear MC: EXCRUCIATING AGONY OF SOULBURN

“Advertising and carrying lowbies through Stockades for HOURS: This is perfectly fine.”

"Blizzard please change the game so I can keep up with cheaters in my unbelievably niche corner of the game (speed-running MC). "

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I still talked with some pretty hardcore raiders (for the time) during TBC and never once heard that term.

But it’s true that things could change wildly from server to server back then.

We could argue the point till we are both 90 yrs old. I’m just saying RMT has been around since the beginning of MMOs, yes when they re-released classic in 2019 it became the worst and most obvious, I don’t think anyone is going to argue that. Everyone has their ideal way of playing and you can’t make everyone happy. I raided in LC, DKP, SR and GDKP. I can tell you from my personal experience GDKP isn’t the worst out of those. LC has by far been my worst experiences in Wow.

Of course RMT has always been around. I’ve never argued about that. GDKP is just one of many reasons for it.

If you’re running GDKPs I’m sure it’s great. You’re making money. You’re getting gear. You’re guaranteed something. But it’s an mmo; let’s not pretend it has no impact on the game as a whole.

I agree GDKP has negative impacts. But so does corrupt Loot Councils which 99% of them are. Pugs that ninja loot, hell 90% of your interactions with randoms on the internet is negative. People get real tough when they don’t have to face any consequences.

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If 99% of your loot councils are corrupt and 90% of your online interactions are negative, this suggests to me that you’re the one that’s causing problems.

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I’m a broken record, but again: Megaservers.

You need actual server communities. Reputations that matters. Players working together. That’s what makes a good, lasting mmorpg.

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Tell me you play anniversary and haven’t seen every single dungeon having the best items HR’d, tell me you haven’t had someone swap to ML right before Rend in UBRS?

And it’s my fault when the LC gives all the loot to 5 people out of 40? And if you argue that this isn’t the normal you are just lying to yourself.

Could that be because of gdkps and that’s why blizzard banned them? Eroding the social construct.

Neither one of those are loot councils. I’m not sure what point you are trying to make here.

It was based in the interactions with people on the internet that I said is mostly negative and you said doesnt exist and it’s all me.

If people HR an item in a dungeon group that they created is a negative interaction, then yes, you have confirmed it is entirely you.

And when they don’t and then swap to ML before the boss? Why do all the argumentative people that are supposed experts about everything hide behind low level forum warrior characters

If this is happening with enough frequency that you can claim 90% of your interactions are negative, then yes, it’s still a you problem.

lol if that kinda stuff is widespread on anniversary it’s because this dang megaserver structure makes bad reputations meaningless :expressionless:

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