Cost of Raiding

Oh I thought I made people sad!

More like they’re embarrassed for you.

It actually is rather satisfying knowing they’re so obsessed with you that they keep responding to everything you say, even if you don’t respond to them for months. :rofl:


Jesus this guy lived inside a locker in highschool no doubt.

I play Era and never swipe.

I have all the gold I need to buy every consume for pvp or pve, just from raiding GDKPs.

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You prolly stand up and cheer Everytime your raid kills rag, congratulating everyone in your raid for overcoming such a hard task and tell the 13 people that died we did it together.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tell us all how you overcame the knockback mechanic

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i actually do /cheer and congratulate my raid group on a job well done :expressionless: perhaps that is the fundamental difference between you and me

Imagine if you killed a boss that doesn’t have 100% clear rate…

You’re starting to understand…maybe

one thing i’ve learned in era is you can still make things challenging by just reducing your raid size. like 15-20 person ony is fun :expressionless:

Sorry not doing any of that for this easy content just to save 10mins. A video game shouldn’t be a job, a chore, something you dread playing.

That’s the meta for ony…

You have to do this because how brain dead the content is.

It’s why speed clearing is a thing.

You have to set arbitrary rules because the content is brain dead and you have to challenge yourself somehow

Killing bosses with 100% kill rates ain’t it.

well it’s not really arbitrary in this case, filling 20 people is a lot easier than 40 :expressionless:

I mean that’s how most people running ony.

My guild has been doing it that way since week one.

Our last ony.

Killing a “raid boss” in under 3 minutes with half the players.

Peak raiding

Such hard, much skill

You act like GDKP hasnt been around the entire time, it’s not like it magically appeared in 2019. When I was playing the original TBC in 2007 there was thousands of GDKP runs spammed in trade chat.

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They don’t know what they’re talking about.

Pretty hilarious that somebody thinks GDKPs first started in 2019.

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No, it hasn’t. Even in original Classic it wasn’t really a thing until very late, and then took over in TBC Classic.

Now go scour the internet trying to find a mention of GDKPs from 20 years ago. You might be able to find 1 or 2. But to think it was widespread is insane. You’re completely making that up.

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Every decent raiding guild on my server once the current tier was on farm and the core was geared they all sold “Loot runs” and would bring 5-7 people to sell the loot too. Yes you can argue that’s not the exact same as current day “GDKP” but the outcome was the same, people bidding up gear and people getting a payout at the end. I’m sorry if I didn’t keep random screenshots from 17 yrs ago to use as an argument point.

And at no point did I say It was as bad as now, just saying acting like Wow was so pure before is funny.


“It’s not GDKPs, but I’m going to call it GDKPs” is a new strategy.

If they eventually migrated from Asian servers it was never even remotely widespread. And then obviously loot changes to the game made it rather irrelevant. And like I said it wasn’t even a widespread thing in Classic until later on.

So you can stop trying to play up the “GDKPs have always been around” angle. The average player never even heard the term until the latter part of Classic and into TBC. And, quite frankly, you don’t hear about it at all in-game on Anniversary even now thanks to the ban. No one talks about it, no one wants it back.

It’s literally a small handful of forum posters. And their toxic discords.

What’s funny is his main point was GDKPs started in 2019 and now he moved the goalposts to “it wasn’t widespread before that”

Just hilarious.

Every time they are proved wrong they move the goalpost.


That’s because blizzard “banned” it on Anniversary so it’s all done in discords. And with only 1 raid out, there are not that many runs even happening. I’m not arguing for GDKPs I hate them as much as most, but I also dislike LC runs where 90% of the loot goes to 10% of the players.

I’m more stating that some form of RMT has existed for most of Wows life as it has for all online/mmo games. Where a third world country player can make real money from a game and a first world person can spend real money to take shortcuts it will always be around in some form