Corruption Explosion Soon

8.3 PvP is focused around the core game design of corruptions and essences. It most certainly is not balanced. Now people will be to stack the most disgusting corruptions and make PvP more of a dumpster fire then it currently is. Things are about to get worse.


I wonder if once we see some more corruptions becoming more mainstream if we’ll see some further tuning in PvP like they did with TD and IS. If there is a god out there she will crush the hopes and dreams of those planning to stack all the wounds.

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Endless versa stacking has the potential to suck too… Going to be interesting times for sure. Hopefully they do more than one Passover for tuning.

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If they nerf versa I hope they nerf tentacles, stars, gushing, twilight, lash, and the other 3748397448 corruptions that make you do way too much passive damage.

Yeah I hope it all gets nerfed too… Or maybe just the stacking of it? Like diminishing returns on it or something…

Especially with the continuation of resist people are going to be able to be ridiculous. Especially when you can chose what you stack.

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Destro warlocks with stacked haste are going to be ridiculous in team fights. Same with fire mages if they stack haste instead of mastery for whatever reason.

I’m really glad they’re letting us buy these corruptions when it comes to PvE but they need to do a tuning pass for PvP when not if things get out of hand.

Sadly I don’t think they will tune it at all. It will remain broken in an attempt to keep people running visions and other garbage to get the currency for the corruption stacking.

MAU > player enjoyment is the BfA philosophy.


They just announced they’re nerfing gushing by 35%! I’m pleasantly surprised.


They’re already starting nerfs.

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Aww poor Abomb won’t be able to cheese his way thru pvp anymore. So sad :rofl:. Even the name of it is fitting - corruption. Mutated PvP into an RNG infested corrupt experience.

If they nerf TD in pvp before he finally gets rank 3 expect allll the salt from him :joy::salt::salt::salt:

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Wow… god is real

I don’t get the balance team at Blizzard.

These corruptions have been out for weeks/months.

Did they suddenly decide to do a balance pass now that they’re going to release a corruption vendor?

They should have done this a while ago.


Well yea. Now everyone’s going to have them, makes sense.

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They said in the blue post that gushing’s rarity was why it wasn’t nerfed before.

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They should have been balanced anyway. Balance by rarity is not real balance, it just means a random few get to have more fun at the expense of others.

It’s nice that they’re tuning them now though. Hopefully they tune things ASAP before people spend a bunch of currency on them and then get screwed a week later or something.

Maybe after they’ve bothered balancing them they’ll also get rid of the vendor rotation. I feel like the vendor rotation is mostly about giving them time to decide what to do before a lot of people can stack whatever it is they’re planning on stacking.


While I hate corruption in PvP, I really didn’t see Gushing Wound that often. The ability to purchase and stack it is what prompted this.

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Weren’t people buying them on the AH?

Some players were getting a huge damage boost. It’s especially not good that people have been running around rated PvP with items that needed a 35% nerf.


I agree, just explaining the reasoning they gave.

That was a good nerf as it was clearly the best corruption. Now corruption is balanced for the best Yeeting.

TD is already nerfed in PvP it has an ICD and nerfed by 50% with an awful mechanic which is why it is terrible in PvP. I have Rank 5 TD for Raids and some collecting dust in my bank. However it’s really bad to use in PvP as there are so many better corruptions.

T5 Tents with Versa is where it’s at. I am looking forward to Versa amps though to see how big I can get my Absorbs.

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