Money and business plan. It’s called whaling and racking in extra funds in the webshop. This shouldn’t be a shocker.
Enjoy classic
Jaja going be interesting what the gushers are gonna do now.
The current rotation doesnt have anything good for pvp unless you like tents or inf truth and i guess exp 3 is good for locks maybe? but gushing is getting nerfed batted to the trashcan, so pretty much gonna have to wait for verstile 3 and surging vita 3 to come on the vendor :D.
pvp is about stacking vers now.
one or 2 gushing or infinate stars mabye.
Tentacles still shreds if not killed which most people dont.
its like a 35% nerf to gushing no? still very viable.
Viable ya … along other corruption now . Just not OP.
Funny how they let it be so much better for so long .
It makes sense to me honestly. There were pretty forthcoming in interviews about being way off the mark with corruption balance. They didn’t want to change it because people made difficult gearing decisions with live balance in mind and they didn’t want to undermine them with tuning that should have happened during testing.
With corruption being way more accessible, they’re free to poke and prod as they like because people will be able to just swap up their corruptions at-will. The only people still hurt will be the ones who spent a ton of gold on cheese BoE’s on the AH but that’s the game you play. I don’t feel for people who spent gold on overtuned items banking that they’d never be nerfed.
Watching the price of the wow token drop 50k and then seeing more and more branded company like names spamming trade chat isn’t a good feeling. Pay 2 win games are the reason I’m devoted to wow and seeing wow plagued with it this patch was saddening to say the least.
We had one player join our guild and brag about achieves and talking about doing mythic difficulty of content in discord to then 20 minutes later have all the achievements from full clearing a horrific vision, 1 mask, 2 mask, 3 mask, 4 mask, 5 mask, achieves all pop up in chat all at the same time. Then she dropped from discord and /gquit because it was obvious she just bought a 5 mask boost and invalidated all of her bragging from the past hour. 15 minutes later she name changed her character as the armory stopped updating for her character.
Pay 2 win and all these carrying services are really hurting this game.
This doesn’t help players who’s mains can’t earn echoes. This was poorly thought out by Blizzard.
You assume that torturing you is not the game’s goal. Yet you keep coming back for more. Are you not entertained?
I think it’s pretty well-known that pvp is not considered at all prior to any changes. Even when they make a pvp only change, it’s barely considered. Ashran existing in its current state is proof.
Still use gush and will still be a large portion of their dmg
To be fair I got mine all at the same time, but I didn’t bother with mask runs for a bit lol
You have to full clear to get a mask. She got the full clear achieve along with all 5 masks at the same time. You left off that part of the achieve list I put though my post wasn’t very clear there.
Oooooo ok.
For those of us who don’t do Visions, what’s the significance of the full clear achievement?
You get near mythic-level gear (470) and a guaranteed corruption from clearing all masks and killing the boss.
Not much on that because its just a participation trophy of doing the equivalent of a elite world quest solo. When you get the 1st clearing it achieve + all the achieves up to 5 mask clearing it, it proves you bought a boost. You can not get your first mask until you full clear it for the first time.
I was just ranting about people buying boosts and touting their achieves in an attempt to showcase a level of skill they have don’t actually have. Think of someone buying a 2k boost and then creating a group in lfg saying 2k+ only when before they bought the 2k they didn’t have the stepping into arena.
Edit: are you asking about just the simple full clear achieve or 5 mask full clear achieve?
Yeah I have like 6 470 belts with crit corruptions
You also get a funky mount? And a lot more momentos for sockets
Wrists and pants