Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

Alright. Now please take a look at “your __is increased by __%” corruptions please.

So the people who spent millions of gold buying BoEs that are now nerfed into the ground and the people who uncorrupted other pieces which are now good just get the shaft? Can we submit a ticket to re-corrupt an item we removed corruption from?


I would propose one change to the hotfix:

We are granting a restore on all corruption pieces obtained, cleansed, vendored, or DE’d prior to the nerfs


Last I checked, that’s a choice, LOL.

That’s another choice, just in case you’re wondering

I mean, it almost sounds like you think the players should only equip corrupted gear if it doesn’t bring their corruption level above the first negative affix break at 20 corruption. If that is what you are doing, you are playing the game wrong. You should absolutely be toying with the line of risk vs reward. With my cloak at rank 9, I’m wearing 4 pieces of corrupted gear, and my corruption is at 35. The snare kind of sucks and when standing directly under the eye, the damage is a little much, but the performance increase is worth it. That’s a choice I just made.

Also, I have like 3 pieces of corrupted gear in my bag. These have less corruption than the ones I have equipped now . Now, if something really good drops with high corruption, I can unequip one or more of the four pieces, equip the new piece and play around with the 3 in my bag to see what I can come up with.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this is the best system by any means, even if I like the risk vs reward aspect, I can already see the micromanagement of corrupted gear being really obnoxious … but one complaint I don’t have is that there is no choice. Plenty of choice.

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Yeah, you hit the nail on the head with this one.

I can’t wait to spend the next 3 weeks farming gushing wounds, only for them to nerf that by 90% after I finally get it.


wake me up with infinite stars gets nerfed

this system sucks


Tuesday: gets rank 3 echoing void boots

Wednesday: echoing void nerfed by 50%

Edit: excitement removed :stuck_out_tongue:


Thoroughly pissed off at the echoing void nerf. Had rank 2 double stacked. 70 base corruption for the value of 1 nerfed echoing void? No thanks. Just give us an option to revert cleansed corruption please.


Didn’t you hear? Excitement isn’t allowed here.


Do you think they have a formula for for the corruption stat vs effect? These devs can’t do math. They let the community do the work and they still can’t figure out the math. They just pick random numbers.


Open a ticket pink <3

Is the nerf to echoing void already through? The tooltip isn’t updated.

So is the change to echoing Void a flat 50% nerf on current value? It was already nerfed by 20%, so 80% effectiveness minus another 50% sets it at 40% of original value.

Or is it:

Echoing Void is now 50% nerfed (an additional 30% on top of the original 20%) leaving us with a grand total of 50% of its original value.

what is project about 800k * 2.5%? A 6 years old boy can give you answer by calculator, but the wow team cannot because they are professional game designer.

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Where to start with this?

Posting from what I assume is a level 60 alt for a level 120, end progression issue doesn’t lend your response the greatest amount of credibility. For all anyone can tell, you’re Baspirath attempting to make it look like there’s someone else supporting their side of the discussion.

Moving on - an inability to use an item is little different than not receiving an item at all. The “choice” has been made for you.

20 + Corruption stat was merely an example I grabbed. It would have been better for me to state I believe they should standardize to a single value of + Corruption and a single tier of positive bonuses. The crux of what I was trying to get to was that the current system makes decisions for you.

As for me playing the game “wrong” and “toying with the line of risk vs reward” - first, try to come off a little less sanctimonious and condescending. You know nothing about my game experience, playstyle, what drops have come my way (other than what I have stated or had equipped). It would also help for you to read more of my talk about nerfs, because I mention how Blizzard is at risk of making the positive bonuses so mild they won’t be worth maintaining the negatives, and some traits already are at that point. The point with something like this is to find an enticing reason to embrace dealing with the negative effects.

What negative Corruption effects players are/should be dealing with is going to vary greatly depending on role and spec mechanics. Very generally speaking, ranged DPS would be less impacted by the eyeball effect than melee or heals. Non tanks will have more freedom to move and deal with Grand Delusions than tanks will have. It’s not quite so simplistic as you’re attempting to make it. It’s not simply about the big DPS numbers possible from max tier Corruption - dead characters, or characters constantly running from effects, will struggle to contribute to their groups.

My main spec is tank. While I need to contribute to DPS to an extent, the main focus of my “job” is survival and position/control of aggressive units. So no, you won’t see me dealing with more than the snare on this character, because the success or failure of my groups depends on minimizing my damage intake and my mobility. That doesn’t mean I’m going to tell a person they’re wrong if they take a different approach- though with the caveat, as a raid leader, my expectation is that you aren’t making someone else’s job harder than it needs to be. Which really brings up another problem with the Corruption system - if you choose to accept the negative effects of Corruption, you’re doing it for your entire group, not just yourself. I’d advise everyone not to lose sight of that, or bad experiences are bound to explode.

Don’t be fooled by that one. He’s a straight up troll and gets run out of threads while crying about the forum Code of Conduct more often than not.

Thanks for the heads up. I made an effort to stay civil and thoughtful.

Tooltip won’t get updated till they patch it.

cool, now add the ability for me to get the corruptions i cleansed to keep using 2x echoing void back, while you’re changing numbers at random due to not testing anything

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Your Blade Flurry is no more than 20%, and only 60 corruption has 12%damage. Is that normal? And lots of people wear lvl2+lvl3 EV, has 20% more total damage only in 58 totall corruption.